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The 29 high school students that participated in Camp Neuro 2018 at UT Ahnaf Arefin providing tips and information on how to get into medical school
Health San Antonio Long School of Medicine. and the career of being a physician.
Dr. Occhialini is a plastic surgeon and head of the Anatomy department, and is
charge of teaching anatomy to medical students during preclinical years. She
lead the suture clinic during Camp Neuro and taught the students different su-
turing techniques using pig feet. The consistency and thickness of pig skin is very
similar to human skin. She mentions that the students at Camp Neuro have a Dr. Occhialini during her demonstration of suturing techniques on the pig’s
learning advantage to practice with pig skin because it’s far superior to the foot.
chicken skin that medical students tend to practice with during surgical rotations.
tained a Bachelor of Science in Neuroscience at University of learn about how our most intricate organ operates.”
Texas at Dallas. He mentions, “I decided to participate in camp As a volunteer and leader of Camp Neuro myself, I primarily
neuro because I have a great interest in neurology as well as teach- assisted students with the dissection lab during the week. Men-
ing. I enjoy sharing knowledge that I have learned from my time toring in high school is a key opportunity to spark interest for
as a neuroscience major in undergraduate as well as medical young adults and can be a turning point for many kids for select-
school. Camp neuro allowed me to get an opportunity to talk with ing careers. My interest in medicine began during sophomore year
students about pursuing medical school and discuss neurology high school (Cinco Ranch High School, Houston TX) in a pro-
on a level that I wish I got in high school.” gram called “Health Science Technology”. During this program
Zach Burgess discusses his reasons for joining the team, “I got students had a chance to shadow different specialties in our local
roped into it by Josh, JP, and Ahnaf. I’m joking of course! In re- Memorial Hermann Hospital. Watching a baby being born on my
ality, I’ve always loved teaching others about things they don’t first day simply amazed me and solidified my interest in medicine.
know, especially in the sciences. I’ve had a lifelong adoration for This is the reason why I’m adamant about becoming involved in
understanding the universe, especially how our bodies work, so programs focusing on high school mentorship, because it can be
for me having the chance to help others learn about the most a truly life changing experience. The students were very ecstatic
complex structure that we know to exist was priceless. It was a at the end of the program, and the medical school is hoping to
rewarding experience to indulge the curiosity of these bright host Camp Neuro again next year alongside with the sister pro-
young minds, and I hope that they will continue to explore and gram “Camp Cardiac” which emphasizes cardiology.
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