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        done, if you simply have
        the right to do that, you’ve
        got  an  employee.    And
        that’s true even if the per-
        son  only  works  for  you
        part time or you pay him
        by the job.  An independ-
        ent  contractor  is  some-
        body    who    usually
        provides his own equip-
        ment or tools to do the
        job and offers his services
        to the public as part of his
        business.  Or somebody
        who provides the services
        at  his  place  of  business
        rather  than  yours  (i.e.  a
        nanny who takes care of
        multiple  babies  at  her
        house rather than coming
        to your house).
          If you find that you’ve
        got an employee, then you
        need to determine if he is
        legally  eligible  to  hire.
        There are only four cate-
        gories of people you can
        legally employ.  They are
        (1) U.S. citizens, (2) noncitizen nationals of the U.S. which are peo-  sanely time consuming bureaucratic paperwork of trying to get
        ple from American Samoa, people born abroad of U.S. nationals,  them a “green card” or other legal document authorizing them to
        and a few other, very limited exceptions, (3) lawful permanent res-  legally work here.  So, what’s the take home lesson from all this?
        idents, (4) aliens specifically authorized to work such as by having  What’s the easy way out?  Here’s what you can do.
        an EAD card.  Now, note this well.  It is your legal burden to verify
        the person is legally eligible to be hired.  You and your new em-  1.  Let’s not ignore the obvious.  Just hire U.S. citizens or non-cit-
        ployee are also required to complete a U.S. Citizenship and Immi-  izens who can demonstrate their legal authority to work here.
        gration Services form I-9 which you can get at
        The form has to be completed no later than the first day the em-  2.  The next easiest option is to make sure you’re hiring them as
        ployee works.  You don’t have to complete this form if the employee  an independent contractor.  That’s especially easy if you only
        is used just for occasional or irregular domestic work in your home  need help sporadically and can show you’re just hiring them to
        (i.e. a babysitter).  While not mandatory, if you are hiring an em-  get the job done but leaving the ins and out of how to do it to
        ployee, you may want to consider having a written contract if for  them.
        no other reason to make sure the relationship is “at will” so you can
        fire the person without proving cause.                 3.  If none of the above works, then hire through a licensed
          By now you realize that hiring a non-citizen can be a hassle.  It  agency.  It will cost you a fair bit more, but they’ll handle all the
        can be even more of a hassle if you want to work through the in-  paperwork, taxes, documentation, etc.

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