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        place he drove by himself was to the psychotherapist appointment.  decluttering the house. The clutter was artifacts collected over the
        I relived the anxiety that we all go through when our teenage chil-  years from all over the world. Furniture, artwork, statuary and many
        dren have taken the car out. I worried and called him several times.  more that were given away or placed on estate sale. When it comes
        I am sure it was annoying for a grown man.  His management both  to estate sale you must be very careful in choosing the business. The
        by the psychiatrist and the therapist was gentle and a lot of emphasis  one we had cheated us and to this day has not paid us. We had hun-
        and trust was placed on his high functioning brain. He has no mem-  dreds of plaques and trophies to deal with. The trophy companies
        ory of the period from January till August 2016 even now except  will dispose them off for you they do not recycle. Books were the
        for somethings he remembers at random.  Unless it benefitted him  hardest to part with. I reluctantly gave them away thinking about
        I did not want to try to make him remember.            space in a downsized home. The decluttering feels wonderful, it is
          Physical therapy for the shoulder was prolonged to a point where  as though your mind is decluttered. I advise my age peers to try it.
        the therapist was at a loss as to what more to do. He still could not  I am writing this closing chapter for you dear reader. You have
        lift his left arm above his head. The mobility and strength improved  been kind in empathizing, patient in waiting for this last chapter and
        exponentially when he started working out at home and after he  a partner in the healing process. My heartfelt gratitude to you. I
        started driving he worked out at the gym. Before the illness, N  chose the title 'In Real Time' for writing, even during the peak of
        worked out regularly. He got back into the routine again and lost  N's illness was an important part of my wellbeing and strength that
        weight. For the past three years he was gaining weight relentlessly  helped me to care for N. Since January of 2017 I could not write. I
        as his binge eating was out of control. N's attitude was heartwarm-  did not want to remember 2016. But it is indelibly etched in my
        ing. He was very understanding, cooperative and went at his physical  brain. I wish I had answers and explanations for what we went
        and psychological recovery process in the same methodical way he  through. I will only be left with questions. Questions about things
        approached his work, gardening and relationships.      I could not write for legal, moral and compassionate reasons. They
          By December the medications were discontinued. At N's request  try to pull me into a black hole and I try to pull myself up like a
        one medicine was continued which he wanted to wean at a slower  gold nugget that is all the more shiny when taken out of the fire.
        pace. The therapist insisted that he will benefit from having more  It is said that it takes a village to raise a child. It takes a world to
        control over accessing the computer and having a phone, in general  heal a patient from a ginormous life event.  First our children who
        having more control over his daily life, I wanted to introduce these  stood like rocks with us. Our son a celebrity actor was trying to un-
        gradually as placing the controls in place was not easy. It took him  derstand the working diagnosis FTD, he had more information -
        two months to say yes when I was going to give him the computer  thanks to google god, than I had at that point. Our daughter an in-
        logging info. To this day he has not gone to any undesirable sites  ternist and Psychiatrist bore the brunt of my constant questions. I
        other than watching all the Trump escapades. I guess one has to  shared N's illness with his siblings and mine. They cuddled us in
        choose between the devil and the deep sea.             their loving arms and eased the pain. We must have done something
          One day I asked N if he remembered any of his behavior when  good in our life to have friends who surrounded us like a soothing
        he was ill. He said "awareness of what he did in itself is a deterrent  blanket that uplifted the spirit and steadied the mind that was tossed
        to go that route again". What triggered the excessive behavior, lack  around in despair. We owe our gratitude to the University Hospital
        of inhibition, poor judgement in spending will still remain a mystery  and the staff and the UT physicians who saw N at his worse and
        to me. In reading about it, this type of behavior which was a text-  nursed him back to health.
        book description of Fronto-temporal dementia could also be a part  I bid you goodbye dear reader. Wish me luck, my story is still in
        of bipolar disorder in its manic phase. "IT IS TREATABLE". This  the making.
        is something important for the readers to keep in mind.
          N is back to his baseline which means he is functioning at his full    Rajam Ramamurthy. MD
        potential. The tragedy is that his brilliant mind is wasted. It is my    Professor Emeritus, Department of  Pediatrics
        opinion that professionally he was cheated off his status, his earn-     UT Health in San Antonio
        ings, and his future. If there is such a thing as a poetic justice I hope
        I live long enough to see it.
          Now life seems to be on a fast track. What we were planning to
        do in two to four years has been brought forward. We delved into

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