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                                                                  The story is carried forward by the daily entries in Christine’s
                                                                journal. They cover a two-week period in November of an un-
                                                                named year. Reading them is like living in Christine’s brain: you
                                                                discover real truths about her through her interpretation of
                                                                events and conversations, and it slowly becomes evident that Ben
                                                                isn’t exactly what he professes to be and the situation isn’t nec-
                                                                essarily what he says it is. The emotion, suspense, terror and hor-
                                                                ror of the lies and manipulation was spellbinding for me, and I
                                                                found myself reading on at every opportunity, no matter what
                                                                else I was supposed to be doing.
                                                                  As you may have noticed in your professional reading, articles
                                                                reporting studies of medications, surgical results, etc., now often
                                                                have a paragraph where the first sentence reads something like
                                                                “The shortcomings of our study are…” In the case of Before I
                                                                Go To Sleep, the only development that left me unsatisfied was
                                                                at the end: the dramatic climax was strong and gripping and I
                                                                didn’t really expect it, but the part after that action was soft and
                                                                mildly  disappointing.  You  might  love  it,  though:  “Different
                                                                strokes” and all that.
                                                                  As of  mid-November, the San Antonio Public Library had 15 copies
                                                                of  this book, as well as e-book and audio book versions

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