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                                                    By Jim Rice, CPA, Sol Schwartz & Associates

  Donald Trump will take office on January 20, 2017 as the 45th           assets from estates of more than $10 million would not get a tax
President of the United States. When the 115th Congress convenes          basis step up, thus making sale of those assets after inheritance sub-
this January, the Republican Party will be in control of the Presi-       ject to potentially higher taxes. Republican members of Congress
dency, the House of Representatives and the Senate. Whereas there         have criticized this last proposal. Some Democrats are against any
are differences in Trump’s proposed tax legislation and the proposals     repeal of the estate and gift tax.
published by the House Ways and Means Committee, there are still
some similarities that lead us to believe that tax legislation is likely     The Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, had created
to be enacted in 2017.                                                    new surtaxes to help fund certain provisions of the Act. During
                                                                          Trump’s campaign, he made repeal of Obamacare a top priority. Re-
  A political candidate’s proposals can and often do change after tak-    peal of Obamacare may entail elimination of the surtaxes. These sur-
ing office, so my discussion here is a broad-brush picture of some of     taxes include the 0.9 percent additional Medicare tax on high dollar
the major tax proposals that Trump has discussed and that likely will     wages and self-employment income and a 3.8 percent Medicare tax
be considered by Congress.                                                on net investment income, including long-term capital gains and
                                                                          dividends. Some of the more recent discussion has been to repeal
  Under Trump’s proposal, the individual income tax rates would           certain parts of the Obamacare act.
be lowered. The proposed rates when compared to the 2016 tax rates
would look something like this:                                             The current corporate tax rate is 35 percent. Trump has proposed
                                                                          to reduce this tax rate to 15 percent. Further, he has proposed ex-
• 2016 tax rates of 10 percent and 15 percent would be 12 percent         tending this 15 percent rate to other businesses such as partnerships
   under the proposal                                                     and sole proprietorships.

• 2016 tax rates of 25 percent and 28 percent would be 25 percent           As you can see, there are major tax proposals that will be consid-
   under the proposal                                                     ered in the next several months. Compromise will surely be the
                                                                          order. No one knows today what those compromises will consist of.
• 2016 tax rates of 33 percent, 35 percent and 39.6 percent would         Still, it is good to know what proposed legislation is being discussed
   be 33 percent under the proposal                                       and that the climate for taxpayer friendly law changes is excellent.

  The tax rates for long term capital gains and dividends would pre-        Is there any tax planning to do right now? If you have the ability
sumably be re-aligned to mirror the proposed rates above with a           to defer income from the tax year 2016 to 2017 or accelerate deduc-
maximum rate of 20 percent.                                               tions into 2016 from the year 2017, then you should discuss these
                                                                          options with your tax advisor.
  Trump has proposed to repeal the Alternative Minimum Tax
which currently is generally a flat tax of either 26 percent or 28 per-                   Jim Rice, CPA is a shareholder at Sol Schwartz & Asso-
cent on taxable income has modified by the elimination of certain                      ciates, P.C. ( He has over 38 years of
deductions. Many taxpayers are subject to the Alternative Minimum                      experience in public accounting. In addition to providing
Tax. The last time Congress reviewed this tax, there was a vote to                     business consultation, financial planning and various other
provide higher exemptions to reduce the number of affected taxpay-        accounting services, Jim specializes in income tax planning and consul-
ers, but there was no effort to eliminate this tax.                       tation. He works with a high concentration of physician practices and
                                                                          high net worth individuals.
  President-elect Trump has also proposed to eliminate the federal
estate and gift tax. He also proposed that inherited stock and other

24 San Antonio Medicine • January 2017
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