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ACA Repeal and Replace Implications

                                        An Opinion-Editorial By Alan Preston, MHA, Sc.D.

  One of the campaign promises of the Donald Trump adminis-                this underwriting practice which increased the price of insur-
tration is to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA).            ance for everyone. Under the old law, if someone was going to
The nation is largely divided on this issue of repeal and replace.         purchase individual medical insurance to protect them from a
And as one would imagine, the split is along party lines. The              future financial loss, that person would not be covered for cer-
2,400-page legislation is a rather complicated piece of legislation.       tain previously existing medical issues. Contrarily, if you pur-
As in most legislation, the ACA has parts of it that are helpful and       chase car insurance, they always impose pre-existing conditions.
parts that are hurtful. And some of the good or bad of the law de-         You can’t get in a wreck prior to purchasing insurance and then
pends whether you benefit or not from the law. Beauty is in the            ask the automobile insurance company to pay you for an acci-
eye of the beholder in this case.                                          dent that you were in before the insurance went into effect.
                                                                           Otherwise, everyone would wait to purchase car insurance until
  When I evaluate the effectiveness of legislation, I first look to        they had already been in an accident and not before. It should
see if it will accomplish its objective. Whether I like the objective      be obvious to everyone why eliminating pre-existing condition
or not is a separate issue. The name of the legislation is telling and     limitations (as happened under the ACA) would not work on
provides a clue to the objective. The Patient Protection and Af-           individual coverage; unless one wants to pay extremely high
fordable Care Act.                                                         rates. Which is where we are now!

  Patient Protection; who are we protecting the patient from? Ac-       2. Per the democrats that designed the ACA, they felt the insurance
cording to the authors of the legislation, the patients were intended      companies charged too much money for too little coverage and
to be protected from the big bad insurance companies. What is it           made too much profit in the process. Their solution in the ACA
that the big bad insurance companies did that required 2,400               was to mandate a robust insurance plan (the four-minimal es-
pages of patient protection legislation? There are two major com-          sential coverage metal plans) that covered nearly everything. This
plaints by the authors of the legislation:                                 forced the people in the marketplace to abandon the purchase of
                                                                           what was characterized as low-end insurance policies. And the
1. The insurance companies imposed an underwriting technique               democrats limited the amount of money an insurance company
   on individual policies (not group policies sold to employers)
   called pre-existing condition limitations. The ACA removed

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