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   not only made in profit; it also limited the amount it could spend  Bill of Rights in the 10th amendment. Furthermore, I have seldom
   on administrative expenses. This is an unprecedented mandate        seen the benefit of “one size fits all”. And mandating that all states
   to limit both the profit a company can make as well as how much     have a certain benefit design will certainly increase the cost and
   it can spend on administrative activities. Whether or not you like  limit the 50 incubators of innovation toward product design. To
   an insurance company is not the issue here. This tactic of forcing  put it simply, this is a classic “power grab” by the federal govern-
   a company to limit what they can spend on administrative costs      ment to centralize power over 20 percent of our economy. And,
   should frighten everyone. Your business could be next! And as it    since Congress has a dismal approval rating of less than 20 percent,
   turns out, most insurance companies over the last ten years have    why would we hand over more power to an institution we already
   only made between 3 percent to 5 percent net profit on average.     distrust?
   Thus, if the insurance companies are attempting to charge more
   to consumers in order to gouge them financially to make huge          Furthermore, I hate to be the bearer of bad news; however,
   profits, they are doing a poor job if they only make 3 percent to   healthcare will NOT be affordable in the future, regardless of what
   5 percent profit.                                                   the federal or states governments do. I can assure you that health-
                                                                       care costs will continue to increase year after year. No politician,
  When the federal government takes on the role of “we know            republican or democrat, will be able to reduce the cost! All is not
best”, seldom does it turn out well for the recipients of their “wis-  lost however!
dom”. Healthcare premiums have increased, making the ACA
anything but affordable. And if one cannot afford such a robust          Trump’s other idea is to reintroduce Healthcare Savings Ac-
mandated insurance product, with extremely high deductibles,           counts (HSAs). HSAs are not insurance products per se; they help
then the patient is not protected financially.                         consumers with the out-of-pocket costs they are responsible for.
                                                                       If I were the architect of the HSAs this is what I would do: First,
  Therefore, half of the country would like to see this piece of leg-  recognize that healthcare will continue to increase so, make sure
islation scrapped. The remaining half are either receiving a pre-      that over time consumers are adequately prepared financially to
mium subsidy or obtaining a real benefit by obtaining insurance        manage the increase. How do we accomplish this task?
for a pre-existing condition that otherwise would have cost that
individual dearly. There are those that like the “idea” of “free”        Right now, the HSAs have limited contribution levels with too
healthcare and think somehow that the ACA will evolve into such.       many stipulations. I would remove the maximum amount one can
Regardless how one “feels”, Trump has made a campaign promise          put into an HSA. Let’s face it, deductibles are likely to increase as
to repeal and replace the ACA.                                         a way of decreasing the rise in healthcare premiums. I would not
                                                                       make it conditional and tie it to a Qualified High Deductible
  What will the replacement look like and will the replacement         Health Plan (HDHP). Co-insurance, co-payments, deductibles,
reduce the costs of healthcare? One of Trump’s ideas is to allow in-   and limited and uncovered services are all components of insur-
surance companies to compete across state lines in an attempt to       ance that are the financial responsibilities of the consumers. Thus,
make insurance more competitive. A lot of individuals that hear        consumers will continue to see increases in deductibles and out-
such an idea claim that competition will reduce costs and make         of-pocket costs. Unlimited contributions to the HSA will prepare
things better. In a general rule, I would agree. However, this is an   consumers for the 1st dollar coverage and limited and excluded
idea I strictly oppose for health insurance. Let me explain.           items under their insurance. Also, continue to make the contribu-
                                                                       tions tax free and allow the consumer to lower their gross taxable
  First, health insurance companies already operate in multiple        income by the amount of any and all contributions. Allow em-
states to the extent they want to operate in multiple states. Take     ployers to also lower their taxable income for any matching con-
United Healthcare as an example; they operate in all states in one     tributions into the employee’s HSA. Allow the consumer at age
or more of their product offerings. They contract with over a mil-     65 to withdraw an amount of money out of the HSA tax free for
lion physicians and 6,000 hospitals. How would “federalizing”          non-healthcare services. Allow consumers to accumulate an un-
healthcare insurance companies make them more competitive? It          limited amount every year with no penalties if they do not spend
would not!                                                             a penny on healthcare costs. Allow consumers to leave to their ben-
                                                                       eficiaries, upon death, the amount of the HSA without any estate
  And my objection is the proper role of the Federal Government.       tax consequences. Allow the HSAs to be portable and attach it to
The US Constitution specifically created the Federal Government        the consumer as it is now; however, also have their employer spon-
to be limited and small. Every time legislation attempts to transfer   sored insurance product become portable. The healthcare ex-
a part of commerce regulated by each individual state to the federal   changes already exist; thus, it would not be difficult to allow
government, we diminish the “States Rights” as guaranteed in the
                                                                                                                                           continued on page 22
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