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to their practice immediately. Some of the Medicare Advantage plans HEDIS and STAR is that HEDIS is responsible for making sure
are sharing in the savings to the extent that the IPA and their physi- that providers at least perform the activities of measurement as
cians achieve a medical loss ratio (MLR) less than the contracted tar- required by HEDIS, whereas STAR requires both the performance
get of the health plan’s MLR. And since the physician receives a fee of the measurement activity with the additional requirement of
for service (FFS) amount for each office visit of the Medicare Ad- demonstrating improved outcomes. Thus, it is not good enough
vantage patient on the front-end, there is simply upside income po- that the doctor saw the patient, they also need to make sure that
tential for the physicians on the split savings on the back-end, when the prescribed treatment is heading in the right directions in terms
the doctor is participating in an experienced IPA. Thus, when the of outcomes.
front-end payment is added to back-end split in savings, some physi-
cians have collected over 200 percent FFS in reimbursement for their Star Ratings are driving improvements in Medicare quality. The
population of interest. Now that is a compelling reason to begin un- Star Ratings measures span five broad categories:
derstanding “Population Health Management.”
Of course, for physician’s that have a full booking of patients, Intermediate Outcomes
adding more patient visits to their busy schedule can seem daunting. Patient Experience
The key is to prioritize the patients from those with the most severe Access
and acute disease, which may need treatment sooner than later and Process
the less severe that can be fit into the doctor’s schedule over time.
Not every domain is weighted equally however. For 2017 Star Rat-
Unfortunately, most practices are not that proactive in managing ings, outcomes and intermediate outcomes continue to be weighted
their patient population. Many practices are filled by the patient de- three times as much as process measures, and patient experience and
mand. A patient has a symptom and calls their doctor to be seen. access measures are weighted 1.5 times as much as process measures.
Seldom does a practice data-mine their own patient population to CMS assigns a weight of 1 to all new measures. Of the 364 health
determine who might be at risk for some particular disease and reach plan contracts that participate in Medicare Advantage, there were
out to these patients in an effort to slow down the progression of only 81 with a STAR rating of 4.5 or higher.
the disease or, in some cases, stop it altogether.
The implications for physicians is that health plans want to con-
Population health management involves many aspects of manag- tract with physicians, or IPAs that contract with high performing
ing a patient. The goal is to assure that for a given disease, the patient physicians, that can demonstrate high STAR ratings. Those physi-
is contacted, treated, followed-up and the outcome is improved. cians that have lower STAR ratings may find cancelation notices
There have been some early elementary attempts of trying to get from the managed care companies. The private Medicare Advantage
physicians to adopt components of population health management. companies will not, in the long run, keep physicians that are doing
The Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information (HEDIS) is one a poor job managing their population of patients. Thus, if you are a
such attempt. physician that is looking to participate in population health man-
agement, you might want to first look at high performing Independ-
HEDIS is a tool used by more than 90 percent of America’s ent Practice Associations (IPAs) to assist you with your practice
health plans to measure performance on important dimensions of before you receive a cancelation notice from a managed care com-
care and service. Many health plans use the HEDIS measurements pany that is measuring every doctor on their plan.
to highlight their scores to prospective employers. HEDIS meas-
ures address a broad range of important health issues. Among them Alan Preston, MHA, Sc.D., is the Executive Director of
are the following: IntegraNet Health San Antonio, an IPA that helps physi-
cians navigate through the difficult regulatory framework
Asthma Medication Use and helps them achieve higher reimbursements from insur-
Persistence of Beta-Blocker Treatment after a Heart Attack ance companies; skilled with a tremendous background in managed care
Controlling High Blood Pressure and Population Health Management, epidemiology, team building, and
Comprehensive Diabetes Care biostatistics; strong healthcare professional with a Doctor of Science
Breast Cancer Screening (Sc.D.) focused in Public Health, Health Services Research from Tulane
Antidepressant Medication Management University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine. Dr. Preston
Childhood and Adolescent Immunization Status is involved in risk sharing contracts, ACOs, Medicare Advantage in-
Childhood and Adult Weight/BMI Assessment cluding RAP scores, HEDIS, and STAR ratings which helps physicians
and health plans alike in reducing MLR.
For the Medicare Advantage population, CMS has used another
tracking program called STAR. One of the differences between
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