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rain forest in the other. Occasionally a Cessna

airplane emerged over the horizon, taking off

from the local airstrip bound for one of 300

jungle dirt airstrips ferrying locals, patients

and teachers back and forth from civiliza-

tion. I took “in house call” coverage for the

entire hospital from my own bed. At times,

if the weather was just right, I could even

hear the ICU pulse-ox beep through my bed-

room window. Many nights I would fall

asleep to a heavy jungle rain drenching the      Above left: Starting craniotomy with hand powered drill. Above: Child who suffered large
thin, uninsulated roof of our house. My boys     burn now healing after many debridments.
walked to the local missionary school daily

across a thrilling cable suspension bridge

spanning a gorge of about 100 feet deep and 200 feet across. Time God’s purpose for my life, regardless of whether I’m an overseas

off was spent quietly enjoying the slower pace of life or exploring missionary or not. As a person created by God and placed exactly

the local “eco-tourist” type sites.                                  here in human history and, as I do what God has gifted me to do

However, even with this acute sense of a higher purpose, I often and seek to be a servant leader to those around me, I am fulfill-

wondered if God was truly happier with me because of my job. I ing all that God intends for me to do and be. In doing so, I give

now realize that, in part, I had been making an idol of the very thing God glory. This, in fact, is what I was created for and by doing

that I’d hope would make me better in God’s eyes. I also found my- such, I derive my greatest joy.

self asking at least every week why was I doing this. There must be  Further, I’m learning who my neighbor truly is. You may recall

more to it than just service. These questions continued to percolate Christ’s example he used to help us identify our neighbor, in the

when the hospital closed in 2013 due to lack of funds and medical parable of the Good Samaritan. Several religious, wealthy and influ-

staff and I once again made an international move with my family. ential people pass by a poor soul who has been robbed and beaten

Faced with adjustment back to America, I’ve been forced to ex- and left by the side of the road. Those who represented religion and

amine my motivations and the lessons during my time overseas. I influence and wealth only offered excuses as they kept on going. The

have grown in several ways. First, I see my profession as part of one who stopped and helped above and beyond what anyone would

20 San Antonio Medicine • February 2017
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