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                                                                        DEAN’S MESSAGE

search. Together we have the opportunity to dramatically reduce the     Partnering with a powerhouse
pain and suffering caused by cancer for many people and for gener-        Celebrating its 75th anniversary year in 2016, MD Anderson is a
ations to come."
                                                                        global leader in cancer care, research, prevention and education. It
  The two organizations will jointly recruit future cancer physicians   was ranked the No. 1 cancer hospital in 2016 by U.S. News &
and allied health staff members. A national search is underway to       World Report's annual "Best Hospitals" rankings and the leading
hire a medical director to lead the new program.                        cancer hospital for nine of the past 10 years.

  "Beyond all of these obvious advantages is that we will be able to      MD Anderson is home to the largest cancer clinical trials program
offer our region the very best care close to home," Dr. Henrich said.   in the nation. Last year, more than 9,400 patients were enrolled in
"I know firsthand what it is like to leave my home for treatment,       trials exploring innovative treatments.
away from family and friends at a crucial time. This is why we want
this affiliation for South Texas," Dr. Henrich said.                      The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio,
                                                                        with missions of teaching, research and healing, is one of the coun-
UT Health Science Center expertise                                      try's leading health sciences universities. Its schools of medicine,
  One of only four National Cancer Institute-designated Cancer          nursing, dentistry, health professions and graduate biomedical sci-
                                                                        ences have more than 33,000 alumni who are advancing their fields
Cancers in Texas (along with MD Anderson), the UT Health Sci-           throughout the world. With four campuses in San Antonio and
ence Center's Cancer Therapy & Research Center brings to the re-        Laredo, the university has a FY 2016 revenue operating budget of
lationship its Institute for Drug Development, one of the largest       $801.8 million and is the primary driver of its community's $30.6
early phase drug development programs in the world. IDD scientists      billion biomedical and health care industry.
work with researchers from the UT Health Science Center, other
institutions and cancer centers, as well as the National Cancer In-       For more information on the many ways "We make lives
stitute, to evaluate investigational news drugs for U.S. Food and       better(r)," visit<>.
Drug Administration approval.
                                                                        About MD Anderson
  Also brought into the relationship is the San Antonio Breast Can-       The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Hous-
cer Symposium, to be held this year Dec. 6-10. Initiated by the
CTRC in 1978, the symposium is one of the largest breast cancer         ton ranks as one of the world's most respected centers focused on
research meetings in the world and is now co-sponsored by the           cancer patient care, research, education and prevention. The insti-
CTRC, the American Association of Cancer Research and Baylor            tution's sole mission is to end cancer for patients and their families
College of Medicine. In 2015, the meeting drew 7,576 attendees,         around the world. MD Anderson is one of only 45 comprehensive
with 50 percent coming from countries outside the U.S.                  cancer centers designated by the National Cancer Institute (NCI).
                                                                        MD Anderson is ranked No.1 for cancer care in U.S. News & World
  The Health Science Center is conducting first-in-human brain          Report's "Best Hospitals" survey. It has ranked as one of the nation's
cancer research led by Andrew Brenner, M.D., Ph.D. Through clin-        top two hospitals since the survey began in 1990, and has ranked
ical trials, patients are already benefitting from this new approach    first for nine of the past 10 years. MD Anderson receives a cancer
in which Health Science Center neurosurgeon John R. Floyd II,           center support grant from the NCI of the National Institutes of
M.D., inserts nano-sized radioactive fat particles directly into brain  Health (P30 CA016672).
tumors with very promising results.
                                                                                         Francisco González-Scarano, Dean, School of Medicine,
  In addition, the CTRC's breast cancer team, led by Virginia Kak-                    Executive Vice President for Medical Affairs
lamani, M.D., is well known for developing genomic tests that allow                   University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio
doctors to predict which treatment will best benefit individual breast                Professor of Neurology
cancer patients. CTRC breast cancer researchers also are using drugs
to target breast cancer stem cells, believed by researchers to be the
first step in preventing breast cancer.

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