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  Many thanks once again to Michael Battista, MD and
Pamela Ray, DDS, for hosting a reception in their home
in honor of State Representative Justin Rodriguez
(House Dist 125). BCMS physicians attending the
TEXPAC-sponsored event, took the opportunity to dis-
cuss the upcoming legislative session, the state budget
and medicine’s issues.

TOP: (l-r) Pamela Ray, DDS; Mark Welborn, MD; Mary Wear-
den, MD; Rep. Justin Rodriguez; Jesse Moss, Jr., MD; Michael
Battista, MD and John Holcomb, MD pause for a photo during
a reception honoring Rep. Rodriguez on Nov. 2.
MIDDLE: Members of the BCMS Legislative and Socioeconom-
ics Committee met with State Representative Ina Minjarez (House
Dist 124) on Oct. 24 to discuss medicine’s issues in preparation
for the upcoming session.
BOTTOM: Committee members met with Congressman Will
Hurd (TX-23) on Oct. 26 and discussion centered on a number
of federal issues, including: the Veterans Administration, elec-
tronic health records, health information exchanges, medical clear-
ing houses, MACRA, health care access, Obamacare, the
Appropriations budget and cyber security.

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