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                   TO PATIENTS CLOSE TO HOME

                                                       By Francisco González-Scarano, MD

  The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio          translational research in San Antonio. Patients also will have access
and The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center are an-           to the MD Anderson model of patient-centered, comprehensive care
nouncing an affiliation to create a comprehensive and clinically in-    provided by multidisciplinary teams that will provide a new dimen-
tegrated cancer care program in San Antonio.                            sion in innovative care and treatment options. Through joint tumor
                                                                        boards, MD Anderson physicians will provide additional multidis-
  Beginning in mid-2017, the UT Health San Antonio MD An-               ciplinary opinions for diagnosis and treatment.
derson Cancer Center will provide adult cancer patients in South
Texas greater access to the most advanced oncology care available.        The agreement also will bring new funding from the UT System
                                                                        and private sources to improve the infrastructure at the CTRC, in-
  Through this affiliation, the Cancer Therapy & Research Center        cluding a newly renovated Patient and Family Welcome Center, and
(CTRC) of the UT Health Science Center will collaborate as part         an expanded and more efficient pharmacy, an infusion center de-
of MD Anderson's international network of hospitals and health          signed around the patient experience, a diagnostic suite and a
care systems dedicated to ending cancer globally. The affiliation will  wayfinding system to help patients more easily navigate. "These im-
build on MD Anderson's world-class knowledge and capabilities           provements will take time, which is why we will not offer the col-
along with the UT Health Science Center's expertise and renowned        laborative services until the middle of next year," said UT Health
Institute for Drug Development to benefit patients in the 38 South      Science Center President William L. Henrich, M.D., MACP.
Texas counties served by the UT Health Science Center.
                                                                          He explained: "We have looked at the projected need for cancer
  The agreement aligns with the vision of UT System Chancellor          care in our region, and over the next 10 years we are expecting a sig-
Bill McRaven to create a "quantum leap" by building collaborative       nificant growth in population. Unfortunately, with that growth will
teams of UT System institutions based on the respective strengths       come many more cancer cases. For example, San Antonio is a very
and expertise of the institutions within the UT System.                 popular place for people to retire, especially from the military. Aging
                                                                        is one of the biggest risk factors for getting cancer. This affiliation
  "MD Anderson is the top-ranked cancer center in America, with         will help us improve our facility and patient care to be ready to serve
unparalleled experience, resources and expertise," Chancellor           the needs of our region with the best care possible."
McRaven said. "This is a fine example of how we can leverage the
expertise of our individual institutions with the size and excellence     Ronald A. DePinho, M.D., president of MD Anderson, said, "We
of the UT System to better serve people in our region, the state and    are proud to partner with the UT Health Science Center. Through
beyond," he said.                                                       this affiliation, we are working to deliver groundbreaking clinical
                                                                        advances focused on prevention, early detection, treatment and re-
  The affiliation will provide increased access to MD Anderson's
treatment protocols, standards of care, extensive clinical trials and

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