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                                                                          IN REAL TIME

perspective. Retrospectively, being with him for all of his doctor’s      called mindful meditation. He talked non-stop about this to every-
visits and sharing my thoughts was one of the sensible things I did.      one he met. He would say, “Do you want to become a Buddha, I
                                                                          can make you a Buddha in three days.” It was obvious even to a
  A thorough neurological exam was normal. An MRI was re-                 child that he was not well. From his vantage point, N was not suf-
quested and the appointment would take two weeks. Thanks to a             fering. All around him those who loved him suffered.
resourceful connection, we had it done that afternoon. An array of
blood tests were done including checking vitamin B12 levels that            N was not religious, however he was very well read on the topic
were all normal. An inventory of multiple medications was taken;          of religion. By birth he is a Brahmin and he had to study the Hindu
medicine to keep cholesterol low, to control blood pressure, to ad-       scriptures to have the ‘Upanayanam’ and was given the holy thread
dress an elevated A1C hemoglobin (predicts risk of Diabetes) to pre-      to wear at age 9. He has told me many times that he asked the reli-
vent enlargement of prostrate, vitamins, some medication prescribed       gious men who came to his house difficult questions trying to un-
by the dermatologist for what was described by N as acne, medicine        derstand the complex philosophies of Hinduism and was very
for acid reflux, and another two to three herbal medicines were           disillusioned with their answers. For a very long time he followed
listed. Melatonin that N takes for jet lag was stopped. N remem-          the teachings of Swami ‘Yogananda’ and has spent time in the 1980’s
bered the names of the medicines and the doses to the point. He           and 90’s in the ‘Yogananda Ashram’ in Los Angeles. N was very
did not share with the neurologist the fact that he took something        quickly influenced by religious leaders who seemed to be well read
called Red Ginseng for several days when he was in Seoul, Korea.          and were excellent orators. He once did research work with one of
                                                                          them who claimed to have healing powers through touch. After that
   N was suffering, I felt it. He slept fitfully at night. He woke up     he completely stopped meditation for several years. He started med-
with frightening dreams. He tried to sit and meditate when he             itating again in the past year and a half after reading about Bud-
couldn’t sleep. I can’t tell if he could meditate. He felt that he has    dhism and when he was having difficulty sleeping. The overlay of
reached a point in his meditation where he is one with the Supreme        meditation and its effects complicated matters for me in more dif-
Being, that he is a realized person. In the last year, he has been read-  ficult ways than one can imagine. I will return to this a little later.
ing a lot about Buddhism and has been trying to practice what is
                                                                                                                                       continued on page 26

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