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              IN REAL TIME                                               Part 2

              Fronto Temporal Dementia

                                         By Rajam Ramamurthy, MD

The Search for a Diagnosis                                               come and I asked them to wait till we were further along with the
                                                                         medical investigations. I also called N’s brother, a urologist, who is
  Dad is not well. I don’t know what is wrong. The first two calls I     in the U.S. and I talked to his sister, also a physician, in India.
made was to our son who lives in New York and our daughter who
lives in Richmond. I narrated the events after we had returned from        Our visit with the Neurologist was nerve wrecking for me. For
Cambodia and Vietnam. My phone conversations were mostly done            current complaints, N would mention lack of sleep, bad dreams that
in our frontyard as I walked around our circular driveway. I did not     kept him up and, in one dream, a voice was instructing him. He has
want to discuss the topic in my husband’s presence. How do you           repeated this narrative so many times that it is etched in my memory.
tell grown children that their father is talking “Inappropriate” a word  I quote, “I am up at 2:30 in the night. My leg is cramping and I
I found much easier to say than ‘Sexual’? The children wanted to         want to flex it and the voice is saying, ‘Don’t worry, I will take care
                                                                         of it.’ My nose is itching and I want to scratch and the voice says,
                                                                         ‘Don’t worry, I will take care of it.’ Two and a half hours go by and
                                                                         I want to turn and the voice says, ‘OK, you can turn now.’” N never
                                                                         did or perhaps couldn’t mention the other behavior issues to the
                                                                         neurologist. I would then start narrating the symptoms from my

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