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    Take Steps to Protect Your Practice From


                                                         Courtesy of Texas Medical Association

 14 U.S. agencies issue guidance on how to protect your networks from ransomware.

Here are some tips TMA suggests you follow to protect your practice from ransomware and other malware:
• Back up your computer system on a regular basis to an external drive or a backup service.
• Set up your email accounts to deny emails sent with executable files (.exe file extensions).
• Patch or update your software regularly.
• Enable automatic software updates whenever possible.
• Make sure your computer systems are protected by a reputable anti-malware software.
• Protect your system with a software firewall to help detect threats.
• Train your employees on avoiding potential malware threats, such as SPAM. TMA Practice Consulting offers HIPAA training for your

  practice. For information, call (800) 523-8776.
  If you are the victim of a cyber crime, report it to the FBI.
  The Texas Medical Liability Trust (TMLT) includes comprehensive cyber liability coverage in all of its policies. TMLT also offers cus-
tomized services to help large groups, small offices, and individual physicians arm themselves against online threats. Learn more about
TMLT’s cyber liability coverage.
  For more information on cyber security, contact TMA’s health information technology helpline at (800) 880-5750 or by email. Also, check
the TMA Education Center for continuing medical education courses on related topics.
18 San Antonio Medicine • August 2016
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