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Documenting Patient Care

      in EhRs

                                       By Joey Berlin, Reporter, Texas Medicine

  Electronic health records (EHRs) and the requirements for main-      TMB proposed the rule changes to address three problems the
taining them present a seemingly endless array of complications for  board identified with EHRs:
physicians — with penalties potentially awaiting doctors who don’t   • Records for different patients that looked too similar to one an-
follow the Texas Medical Board’s (TMB’s) recordkeeping rules.
  Revisions to those rules, which TMB adopted in the spring, at-     • Relevant electronic communications not being properly reflected
tempt to underscore the importance of accurate information in the
data-saturated EHR system and make doctors’ electronic reporting       in the medical record; and
requirements clearer.                                                • Pre-populated fields in EHRs implying tests had been performed

                                                                       that, in fact, had not.

14 San Antonio Medicine • August 2016
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