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Members of the BCMS Executive Committee after their selection by the Nominating Committee: L-R: Maria Tiamson-Beato, MD, Jayesh Shah, MD,
Adam Ratner, MD, James Humphreys, MD, K. Ashok Kumar, MD, Stephen Fitzer, and Leah Jacobson, MD.

Nominating Committee

  It is the charge of the BCMS Nominating Committee to study             urer) must be active, dues paying members who have been mem-
the challenges and leadership requirements of the organization.          bers of the Society for a minimum of five years and for the office
Meetings of the committee are held at least two times a year and         of president-elect, candidates must have served a minimum of
as often as necessary.                                                   three years in an elected position or as appointed chair of a BCMS
  As outlined in the BCMS bylaws, the structure of the Nomi-
nating Committee consists of the two immediate living past pres-           For the Boards of Mediations and Censors each position is
idents, president-elect, the chairs of, or a designee from, the Board    elected for a term of three years and the member receiving the
of Mediations and the Board of Censors, and two at-large mem-            largest number of votes at the time of election shall become the
bers elected by the membership. The past president once removed          chair of the board during the third year. The vice-chair will be
serves as chair. The vice chair is the immediate past president.         the person receiving the second highest number of votes at the
                                                                         time of election. Nominees for the Boards of Mediations or Cen-
  Each year, in accordance with the BCMS bylaws, nominations             sors have to be active members in the Bexar County Medical So-
are sought for leadership positions for the upcoming year (or            ciety for at least 10 years.
years, depending on the position) for BCMS. Leadership posi-
tions that are filled by elections are president-elect, vice president,    Delegates and alternate delegates to TMA serve for a term of
secretary, treasurer, three members of the Board of Directors, two       two years with no limit to the number of terms they serve.
members of the Board of Censors, five members of the Board of
Mediations, two at-large members of the Nominating Commit-                 Occasionally a situation arises when a change to the BCMS
tee, and approximately one-half of the delegates and alternate del-      bylaws or constitution needs to be considered. Amendments can
egates to the Texas Medical Association (TMA).                           be proposed by the Board of Directors, or by a petition endorsed
                                                                         by any 25 members eligible to vote. At that time, the Nominating
  Each of the candidate’s qualifications are reviewed and ap-            Committee becomes the Constitution and Bylaws Committee
proved by the BCMS Nominating Committee prior to notifying               and the committee evaluates as to appropriateness for inclusion
the membership of the slate of nominees for their consideration          in the Bylaws of the Society. After fulfilling its responsibility, the
and vote. Qualifications for the various positions include officers      Committee will issue a report to the Board of Directors on pro-
of the Society (president-elect, vice president, secretary and treas-    posed amendments.

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