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2016 Subaru Legacy

By Steve Schutz, MD

  In a world where customers are losing in-      Thanks to the Forester and WRX, impor-          your accountant - the Legacy looks like a
terest in cars and migrating rapidly towards     tant niche buyers have discovered the           middle of the road sedan, which it is. And
crossovers, mid-size sedans - vehicles that      brand, and now we have vehicles like the        that’s OK. Pretty much the same size as the
used to dominate sales charts - seem oddly       XV Crosstrek hatchback for the outdoor          aforementioned Accord and Camry, the
irrelevant. That’s particularly true at Subaru,  sports crowd that’s selling well (my personal   Legacy is clearly gunning for those sedans’
where crossovers have been the primary focus     trainer who rides her road bike at least 20     customers, but using the Subaru difference
since the advent of the Outback wagon way        miles a day wants one badly). All Subarus       as bait.
back in 1995. (Who could forget those great      these days are all-wheel drive, by the way,
old ads featuring Crocodile Dundee?)             and naturally, the Outback continues to be        While standard all-wheel drive is an im-
                                                 very popular. Subaru is on a roll.              portant differentiator for the Legacy, its
  But Subaru is not only about crossovers, of                                                    styling is not. Contemporary but low key de-
course. Their Legacy sedan, while never pre-       Oh, and as I’ve noted at length previously,   scribes the Legacy’s exterior design, and not
senting much of a challenge to the class lead-   their “Love, it’s what makes a Subaru a Sub-    even a new hexagonal grille was enough to
ing Toyota Camry and Honda Accord,               aru” ads are the best in the business.          make anybody notice this Subie during my
continually improves and is designed to make                                                     time driving it.
most mid-range mid-size car buyers happy.          Anyway, back to the Legacy. Created to
                                                 appeal to a 30-something professional with        The interior is similarly middle-of-the-
  It’s probably worth a moment to empha-         a family - think the young man or woman         road with good materials and workmanship
size how far Subaru has come in the 20           who actually does your taxes after you discuss  evident throughout. Truth be told, though,
years since the first Outback debuted.           things with the senior partner who you call     while the Legacy is a nicer place to sit than a

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