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BCMS CIRCLE OF FRIENDS SERVICES DIRECTORY                    Methodist Healthcare System         clinical excellence through coor-     James L. Hayne Jr.                 (HH Silver Sponsor)                 dinated care.                         210-222-2161
“IT problems? Yeah… we can             Palmira Arellano                    Jon Buss: 512-338-6167      
fix that!”                             210-575-0172              
                                   Shamayne Kotfas: 512-338-6103         Joel Gonzales Agency
HOSPITALS/ HEALTHCARE                                  Nationwide
SERVICES                                                                                 (HH Silver Sponsor)
                                       Select Rehabilitation of                                                  Joel Gonzales
First Choice                           San Antonio                         SWBC                                  210-275-3595
Emergency Room                         (HH Silver Sponsor)                 (HHH Gold Sponsor)          
(HHH Gold Sponsor)                     We provide specialized rehabili-    SWBC is a financial services com-
The nation's oldest and largest        tation programs and services for    pany offering a wide range of insur-  INSURANCE/MEDICAL
network of independent free-           individuals with medical, physical  ance, mortgage, PEO, Ad Valorem       MALPRACTICE
standing emergency rooms. Pa-          and functional challenges.          and investment services. We focus
tients seen almost immediately;        Miranda Peck                        dedicated attention on our clients    Texas Medical Liability Trust
board-certified physicians and         210-482-3000                        to ensure their lasting satisfaction  (HHHH 10K Platinum Sponsor)
emergency-trained registered             and long-term relationships.          Texas Medical Liability Trust is a
nurses. In-house CT scanner, ul-         VP Community Relations                physician-owned healthcare lia-
trasound, digital X-ray and            “The highest degree of excel-       Deborah Gray Marino                   bility claim trust providing mal-
COLA/CIA accredited on-site lab        lence in medical rehabilitation.”   210-525-1241                          practice insurance products to
to handle emergencies 24/7/365.                                                        the physicians of Texas. Currently,
Hardy Oak Boulevard                    HUMAN RESOURCES                     Wealth Advisor                        we protect more than 17,000
24-hour 210-451-8340                                                       Gil Castillo, CRPC®                   physicians in all specialties who
Nacogdoches Road.                      Employer Flexible                   210-321-7258                          practice in all areas of the state.
24-hour 210-447-7560                   (HHH Gold Sponsor)                            TMLT is a recommended partner
Tezel Road                             Employer Flexible doesn’t simply    Mortgage                              of the Bexar County Medical Soci-
24-hour 210-437-1180                   lessen the burden of HR adminis-    Jon M. Tober, Sr. Loan Officer        ety and is endorsed by the Texas                           tration. We provide HR solutions    NMLS#212945                           Medical Association, the Texas
“Check-in online — free, easy, fast!”  to help you sleep at night and get  210-317-7431                          Academy of Family Physicians,
                                       everyone in the practice on the                       and the Dallas, Harris, Tarrant and
Warm Springs                           same page.                          Professional Employer Organization    Travis counties medical societies.
•Medical Center                        John Seybold                        Bryce Fegley                          Patty Spann
•Thousand Oaks                         210-447-6518                        830-980-1200                          512-425-5932
•Westover Hills                          
(HHH Gold Sponsor)                             
Our mission is to serve people         “BCMS members get a free HR         Mortgages, investments, personal      “Recommended partner of the
with disabilities by providing         assessment valued at $2,500.”       and commercial insurance, bene-       Bexar County Medical Society.”
compassionate, expert care dur-                                            fits, PEO, ad valorem tax services
ing the rehabilitation process, and    INSURANCE                                                                 MedPro Group
support recovery through educa-                                            Texas Medical Association             (HHH Gold Sponsor)
tion and research.                     Frost Insurance                     Insurance Trust                       Medical Protective is the nation's
Central referral line                  (HHH Gold Sponsor)                  (HHH Gold Sponsor)                    oldest and only AAA-rated
210-592-5350                           As one of the largest Texas-based   Created and endorsed by the           provider of healthcare malprac-
“Joint Commission COE.”                banks, Frost has helped Texans      Texas Medical Association (TMA),      tice insurance.
                                       with their financial needs since    the TMA Insurance Trust helps         Thomas Mohler,
Elite Care Emergency                   1868, offering award-winning        physicians, their families and their  512-213-7714
(HH Silver Sponsor)                    customer service and a range of     employees get the insurance cov-
24/7 full-service, no-wait, free-      banking, investment and insur-      erage they need.            
standing ER with board-certified       ance services to individuals and    Wendell England
physicians and RNs offering Elite      businesses.                         512-370-1746                          The Bank of San Antonio
Care advantage for patients.           Bob Farish                                    Insurance Group, Inc.
Marketing Liaison                      210-220-6412                        James Prescott                        (HHH Gold Sponsor)
Dlorah Martin                            512-370-1776                          We specialize in insurance and
509-592-7998                                             banking products for physician         “Business and personal insurance    John Isgitt                           groups and individual physicians.
Marketing liaison                      tailored to meet your unique        512-370-1776                          Our local insurance professionals
Kylyn Stark                            needs.”                                            are some of the few agents in the
210-978-4110                                                               “We offer BCMS members a free         state who specialize in medical          Humana                              insurance portfolio review.”          malpractice and all lines of insur-             (HHH Gold Sponsor)                                                        ance for the medical community.
“When seconds count, Elite Care        Humana is a leading health and      Catto & Catto                         Katy Brooks, CIC, 210-807-5593
can make ALL the difference.”          well-being company focused on       (HH Silver Sponsor)
                                       making it easy for people to        Providing insurance, employee                     Continued on page 40
                                       achieve their best health with      benefits and risk-management               visit us at 39
                                                                           products and services to thou-
                                                                           sands of businesses and individu-
                                                                           als in Texas and the United States.
                                                                           Crystal Metzger
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