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         By Dana A. Forgione, PhD, CPA, CMA, CFE

          People do what we pay them to do. Sounds pretty basic. I often  Because that’s what the government is going to pay you to do.
        present my students with the following scenario. I’m a Congress-  And that’s essentially what the government did when it started
        man. I have a large voting constituency. They all need ball-point  the Medicare program in 1963 based on cost reimbursement. It
        pens. So I got a new law passed that will provide ball-point pens  opened a great big valve in the bottom of the U.S. Federal treasury
        to all Americans. The federal government is now authorized to  and dumped trillions of dollars on the healthcare sector for almost
        contract with any manufacturer who will provide pens to the  20 years. Until about 1983, when we started to realize that it was
        American public. The government will reimburse all of your costs  bankrupting the country.
        to produce the pens, including interest on any money you borrow,
        a return on equity for your investors, all of your research and de-  PRICE-CONTROL SYSTEM
        velopment costs, depreciation on your buildings and equipment,  So we implemented prospective payment systems (PPS) for
        all of your distribution costs. Everything. Now you are all business  hospitals, physicians, nursing homes, ambulatory care facilities,
        students. What are you going to do?                   etc.  We  implemented  fixed-fee  for  service  schedules.  So,  we
          I’m usually dumbfounded when they sit there pondering and  straightened the revenue curve for providers. Now it no longer
        don’t immediately jump at the opportunity. So I prod them a lit-  arcs  exponentially  upward  with  cost  growth.  Instead,  it  is  a
        tle. What are you going to do? You’re going to sell stock, borrow  straight, upward pointing diagonal line — where we pay more
        money, build factories, invest in research and development, and  for more services provided, but at pre-determined prices. So what
        produce the greatest abundance of the most fabulous, high-tech,  will you do? Provide more service. So we stopped paying providers
        state-of-the-art, ball-point pens you can possibly produce. Why?  to increase their costs, and started paying providers to increase

         36 San Antonio Medicine   •  February 2014
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