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        cation to the PCP that historically may have been associated  workflow to check this box daily to avoid any wasted time.
                 with the patient. An eligible claim needs to be submitted  this as a public relations opportunity; reaching out to your pa-
                                                                In addition to the reimbursement issue, many physicians see
        within 30 days of the discharge.
          To bill under code 99495, a provider can expect approxi-  tient at a time when it is much needed will show great patient
                                                              care and ensures that the patient will arrive at the office for the
        mately $163, and is required to:                      aftercare follow-up.

        • establish communications with the patient (direct contact,  The worksheet that the American Academy of Family Physi-
           telephone or electronic) within two business days of dis-  cians has prepared can now be avoided by going electronically.
           charge                                               To register for this program, interested physicians may con-
        • medical decision-making of moderate complexity       tact HASA at 918-1357.
        • a face-to-face visit within 14 days of discharge.
                                                                                 Gijs Van Oort, PhD, is the executive di-
          To bill under code 99496, a provider can expect approxi-             rector  for  Healthcare  Access  San  Antonio
        mately $231, and is required to:                                       (HASA), the local Health Information Ex-
        • establish communications with the patient (direct contact,           change (HIE) provider authorized by the
           telephone or electronic) within two business days of dis-           state of Texas to create a community-based,
           charge                                                              regionwide HIE in Bexar County and 22
        • medical decision-making of high complexity                           surrounding counties.  HASA is one of 12
        • a face-to-face visit within seven days of discharge.                 such HIEs authorized by the state. HASA is
                                                               a 501(c)(3) community collaborative, managed by a board com-
          Given the time limitations, it is critical that physicians are  prising  individuals  representing  large  and  small  healthcare
        notified as soon as possible.  HASA can provide a near real-  providers from across the region. HASA is funded in part by a $2
        time notification to a provider inbox.   It is up to the clinic  million grant from the state of Texas.

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