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        lifestyle, awareness of  20 FAST FACTS ABOUT WOMEN & HEART DISEASE
        the leading cause of
        death, warning signs
        of a heart attack, and
        what women would
        do  if  they  experi-
        enced  heart  attack

        Among the women
        • 61  percent  said
           the  reason  they
           would  take  pre-
           ventive   action
           was to feel better,
           compared to 45
           percent   who
           would  be  moti-
           vated to take pre-
           ventive action in
           order  to  live
        • Racial and ethnic
           minorities   re-
           ported   higher
           levels of trust in
           their  healthcare
           providers  com-
           pared with whites, and were also more  “The  American  Heart  Association  has  thors and do not necessarily reflect the associ-
           likely to act on the information pro-  well-established,  evidence-based  guide-  ation’s  policy  or  position.  The  association
           vided dispelling the myth that mis-  lines about heart disease prevention, so we  makes no representation or guarantee as to
           trust  of  providers  contributes  to  have to better align women’s actions with  their accuracy or reliability. The association
           disparities.                      what is evidence-based.”            receives funding primarily from individuals;
                                                                                 foundations  and  corporations  (including
        • Self-reported depression was com-    The American Heart Association’s Go
                                                                                 pharmaceutical, device manufacturers and
           mon  (26  percent)  among  respon-  Red  For Women  movement  encourages
                                                                                 other companies) also make donations and
           dents  and  has  been  previously  women of all ages to know and reduce their
                                                                                 fund specific association programs and events.
           reported as a barrier to adherence to  risk for heart disease and provides tools to
                                                                                 The association has strict policies to prevent
           medical guidelines.               lead a heart healthy life. The campaign,  these relationships from influencing the science
                                             now entering its 10th year, offers a variety  content. Revenues from pharmaceutical and
          Mosca said efforts need to be age-ap-  of  ways  to  become  actively  involved  in  device  corporations  are  available  at
        propriate and culturally sensitive to reach  helping all women make healthier choices.
        younger  women  and  more  minorities
        who  are  at  high  risk  for  heart  disease.  Disclaimer                 Jennifer Milikien is director of commu-
        “There are gaps between women’s per-   Statements and conclusions of study authors  nications, Southwest Affiliate, American
        sonal awareness and what they’re doing in  published in American Heart Association sci-  Heart Association/American Stroke Asso-
        terms of preventive steps,” said Mosca.  entific journals are solely those of the study au-  ciation.

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