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                                                                    Critical resources
                                                                      The Defense Health Agency defines an
                                                                    enhanced multi-service market (eMSM) as
                                                                    a  healthcare  market  with  military  treat-
                                                                    ment facilities from more than one service,
                                                                    with high patient workloads, and eligible
                                                                    beneficiaries  that  number  greater  than
                                                                    65,000 in an area. The San Antonio eMSM
                                                                    is a strategic national asset and an integral
                                                                    part of the city.

                                                                    San Antonio eMSM

                                                                     •  $1.18 billion operating and management
                                                                     •  Nine military treatment facilities
                                                                     •  12,000 staff serving 240,000
                                                                     •  $1.4 billion in military construction
                                                                       completed or pending from FY06-FY16
                                                                     •  DoD’s largest centralized appointment
         A patient is examined by military healthcare personnel in San Antonio.
         Courtesy photo                                                and referral management functions

        patient transfer service also is being implemented, and pa-
        tients transferred from local hospitals save thousands of dol-  San Antonio Military
        lars in network care costs.                                 Medical Center
          Wilford Hall Ambulatory Surgical Center has saved more     • DoD’s largest inpatient facility
        than $1.7 million in just five months by converting name-    • DoD’s only continental U.S. Level 1
        brand to generic prescriptions, and roughly $300,000 will      Trauma Center
        be saved annually by expanding the prescription formulary.   • DoD’s only bone marrow transplant unit
        Many expensive prescriptions typically filled in the commu-  • DoD’s only burn center
        nity are being filled through military treatment facilities and  • Center for the Intrepid
        pharmacies at a 40 percent cost savings.
                           “Over  the  past  two  years,  we  have
                         shown how an integrated team can pro-      Wilford Hall Ambulatory
                         vide world-class care while continually    Surgical Center
                         achieving major cost savings,” said Maj.    • DoD's largest outpatient facility
                         Gen. Byron C. Hepburn, 59th Medical
                                                                     • DoD’s largest blood donor center
                         Wing commander and deputy director
                         of the SAMHS (pictured at left).

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