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rooms, one microscope, biopsy materials, liquid nitrogen, tures cannot. Most medical students will never forget the first
medications and other donated supplies, the clinic is busy and patient they interviewed. By meeting real people living with
productive, thanks to supervising dermatologists Dr. John the conditions the textbooks describe, medical students can
Browning and Dr. Emily Becker. match a story, a face, and a life to the list of symptoms they
To be seen at Travis Park Dermatology Clinic, patients must have been studying in their pre-clinical coursework. More im-
be uninsured and in need of dermatologic care. Serving 20 to portantly, students learn to effectively communicate compas-
30 patients at each clinic, medical students, supervised by board- sion and interest in the human condition.
certified dermatologists, care for a diverse patient population. The UTHSCSA medical students are fortunate to have a va-
Many patients come seeking care after being uninsured for riety of student-run free clinics where they may volunteer and
a few weeks, while others come with their entire families after practice clinical skills. Among them, Travis Park Dermatology
years without coverage. Adults and children present to the Clinic is unique for its focus on dermatology. For students in-
clinic with skin terested in dermatology as a specialty, the clinic offers a
conditions rang- realistic look into the practice of a dermatologist. For
ing from fungal students interested in primary care, the experience will
infections to familiarize them with common skin conditions they will
psoriasis to skin most likely encounter in future practice. For those with
cancers. a surgical inclination, the clinic affords them the oppor-
Many patients tunity to observe and practice procedures such as shave
leave the clinic biopsies, cryotherapy and suturing. For the student in-
with reassurance terested in pathology, the clinic’s microscope is a won-
and skin care rec- derful place to sit down and start learning.
ommendations, The clinic is successful and sustainable, thanks in large
while others are part to the annual Run From the Sun, an evening 5K
sent home with hosted by UTHSCSA’s student dermatology interest
free medication group. Proceeds from the fundraiser provide the clinic
samples or a pre- with supplies. In addition to the run, many local der-
scription. When matologists set up booths to provide education to com-
prescriptions are munity members on skin care and sun protection. Look
written, care is for the third annual Run From the Sun this spring.
taken to ensure The value of Travis Park Dermatology Clinic is
affordability of twofold. Its first mission is to serve the dermatologic
treatment by needs of San Antonio’s uninsured, but its importance to
choosing med- medical student learning cannot be overstated. Medical
Travis Park United Methodist Church, site of a der-
ications on the matology clinic for the uninsured, is a downtown students learn from their peers, mentors and most im-
$4 or $5 list at San Antonio landmark. Courtesy photo portantly, their patients. Patients leave with the skin care
local pharmacies. they need, while doctors in training leave with invalu-
Recognition and removal of malignant or suspicious lesions able experience.
and follow-up care is crucial to the health of patients. Individ- Travis Park Dermatology Clinic is located in the basement
uals with suspicious skin lesions receive biopsies, which are of Travis Park United Methodist Church, 230 E. Travis St.,
later read by Dr. Tom Davis of Aurora Diagnostics South Texas San Antonio 78205. The clinic meets the first and third
Dermatopathology, who provides pathologic interpretation Wednesdays of each month from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. For infor-
free of charge. mation, contact (210) 226-8341 or
Equally important to patient health is preventative education
about the risks of sun exposure and skin cancer. Medical stu- Michelle A. Nguyen is a former Travis Park Clinic
dents provide this type of education to patients, along with coordinator.
sunscreen samples when needed.
For medical students, every opportunity to work with a pa- Margaret E. Brown is the clinic’s current coordinator.
tient is a privilege. Each encounter enriches undergraduate
medical education in a way that even the most engaging of lec-
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