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              You can’t get that here... maybe

                                                   By Jeffrey J. Meffert, MD

          In the August 2011 San Antonio Medicine I explained how  popularity of adventure vacations also may bring exotic dis-
        those bio-warfare weapons anthrax and tularemia could be  eases into your waiting room.
        acquired in the Texas Hill Country, usually by hunters going  Houston remains a “hot spot” for new cases of malaria being
        after deer or feral hogs. In April 2013 I discussed that biblical  diagnosed. The majority of these are immigrants and visitors
        scourge Hansen’s disease (leprosy) and the fact that your  who acquired the disease abroad, but a cluster of cases in the
        friendly neighborhood armadillo carried the disease. One  homeless and in infants occurred in the 1990s among those
        might wonder if there are other “tropical diseases” that the  who acquired the disease in Texas from mosquitos who fed first
        San   Antonio                                                                             on  untreated  im-
        physician needs                                                                           migrants.  Insect-
        to worry about.                                                                           rich Texas  already
        In  short,  “you                                                                          has the vectors for
        betcha!”                                                                                  many     so-called
          In the days of                                                                          tropical diseases; all
        ocean travel, by                                                                          we need to do is in-
        the time a ship                                                                           troduce the infec-
        arrived, any in-                                                                          tions themselves.
        cubating  dis-                                                                              Chagas  disease
        eases     had                                                                             (trypanosomiasis)
        already  started                                                                          is a major problem
        to     express                                                                            in South and Cen-
        themselves, and                                                                           tral America. Ini-
        cautious immi-                                                                            tially  presenting
        grations  offi-                                                                           with swollen bites,
        cials    could                                                                            sometimes around
        enforce quaran-                                                                           the  eyes  where  it
        tine  until  the                                                                          causes    massive
        patient was re-                                                                           swelling    (Ro-
        covered  or  ex-                                                                          mana’s  sign),  it
        pired.  This  is                                                                          leads to fever and
        no  longer  the                                                                           malaise  before  it
                          Researchers at the University of Texas at Austin say 11 Texas counties are at particular risk for Chagas
        case. Many San   disease: Bee, Bexar, Brooks, Cameron, DeWitt, Goliad, Hidalgo, Jim Wells, Kenedy, Kleberg and Nue-  spreads and dam-
        Antonio  area    ces. Map courtesy University of Texas at Austin.                         ages major viscera
        physicians have                                                                           like the colon and
        military experience and are attuned to the fact that traveling  the heart. It is transmitted by the reduvid bug, and 11 South
        patients may bring back a variety of diseases not normally  Texas counties, including Bexar, are already considered en-
        seen in your community. The ease of rapid air travel and the  demic for the disease. Diagnosis is usually made serologically

                                                                                                    continued on page 18
         16 San Antonio Medicine   •  February 2014
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