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                                                                        He’s back!

                                                                        STEVE FITZER


                                                                        TO BCMS

               After a five-year retirement, Steve Fitzer has rejoined  Medical Association. He said it is important to keep the
             the Bexar County Medical Society as its CEO/Executive  society’s back-office operations from eclipsing the real
             Director.                                         mission of the society:  The Bexar County Medical Soci-
               Fitzer first joined the medical society in 2003 to manage  ety  is  the  organization  that  serves  and  represents  the
             it back from a financial precipice. “Those were very dark  physicians of Bexar County in obtaining quality health-
             times for the society financially,” he said. “The society was  care for their patients and the public.
             out of money, and the business was poorly structured.”  With government initiatives on the horizon, especially
             When Fitzer left BCMS in 2008, the society was in the  the Affordable Care Act, physicians need to concentrate
             best financial shape it had been in for decades.  on their practices and not have to worry about what is
               When asked why he returned, Fitzer said: “I hadn’t ever  going on with the management of their society. “We will
             planned to come back to work again full time. But after  enable that,” Fitzer said. “Seeing the society return to
             five years of playing golf, doing consulting and contribut-  an era of cooperation, goodwill and brotherly love is re-
             ing a lot of hours to church work, I knew I needed a chal-  ally important to me. The society must play its part in
             lenge. When I received the call to see if I would consider  the community with confidence and assurance that they
             climbing back into the same chair again, I could not say  have the backing of their fellow physicians as well as the
             no. I was ready. I love the society and don’t think I will  BCMS staff.”
             ever retire again unless I become either physically or men-  Fitzer invites all physician members to visit the society,
             tally unable to do the job. I am very glad that so many of  support and get involved in its activities, and invite non-
             the staff and managers that I had worked with before are  members to join. “The society is whatever the members
             still here. I feel very fortunate.”               make it,” he said. “We’re here to help them.”
               Fitzer said county medical societies in Texas are the best  Steve Fitzer may be reached at (210) 301-4383 and
             in the country, thanks to their cooperation with the Texas

         10 San Antonio Medicine   •  February 2014
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