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 MEDICINE                                                                                           MEDICINE

                                                               Examples of learning materials used in the Project HEART curriculum.
 Project HEART

 By Gabriella Bradberry  elementary students had learned from the curriculum. Differences   As for the future of Project HEART, there are plans to continue its
        in scores between English-speaking and Spanish/Bilingual-speaking  implementation at Bob Hope Elementary for next year’s group of 3rd
        students were also evaluated. San Antonio has a significant Spanish/  graders. Additionally, as Project HEART works to recruit more volun-
        Bilingual-speaking population; therefore, the Project HEART cre-  teers, they hope to expand the program to other schools and educate
 During the TexMed 2024 conference, BCMS representatives met   Project HEART was created to educate and improve the health   ators worked to implement a curriculum that was equally accessible  even more students
 with Cale Perry, a medical student at UT Health San Antonio Long   literacy of 3rd graders in San Antonio as an effort to prevent heart   and effective for that population. In the pre- and post-surveys of all
 School of Medicine. There, Perry had brought a poster summarizing   disease. More specifically, Karen Liu, the project’s founder, wanted   three subjects, there was not a statistically significant difference in the
 Project HEART, a health literacy initiative, for TexMed’s annual Post-  to reach areas of San Antonio that do not typically benefit from our   median scores of English-speaking versus Spanish/Bilingual-speaking
 er Session. The TexMed Poster Session is an opportunity for physicians   school’s community projects due to their distance from UTHSCSA.   students. This suggests the curriculum had equally effective outcomes   Gabriella Bradberry is the Admin/Communication Specialist
 and medical professionals to share their successes and breakthroughs   Heart disease is very common within the San Antonio population   for both of these student groups.   for the Bexar County Medical Society.
 in improving patient care with their peers from around the state.  and can develop for many years before patients experience symptoms.
 The team behind Project HEART is a group of first and sec-  While its development and progression are multifactorial, the goal
 ond-year medical students from both the University of Texas Health   of Project HEART was to address some of these factors by educating
 Science Center at San Antonio Long School of Medicine and the   children on the importance of healthy dietary and exercise practices.   Results
 University of the Incarnate Word School of Osteopathic Medicine.   By educating patients at a young age, Project HEART aims to instill
 The project was initially started by Karen Liu, a current fourth-year   life-long habits that reduce their risk of heart disease and make them
 medical student, in the fall of 2022.  happier and healthier as a whole.
 Project HEART was implemented through a 6-lesson curriculum
 at Bob Hope Elementary over the period of six weeks, from October
 through mid-November of 2023. Each lesson was approximately an
 hour long. The curriculum focused on three primary areas: heart anat-
 omy, dietary choices and exercise, with each subject split into two sec-
 tions. The medical students also included interactive components to
 keep the students engaged and make learning fun. These components
 included having the students color diagrams of the pathways of oxy-
 genated and deoxygenated blood through the “heart house” (a meta-
 phor comparing heart anatomy to the rooms and doors of a home),
 building stethoscopes out of paper towel rolls and funnels to listen to
 each other’s hearts, and actively doing exercises, such as jumping jacks
 and pushups, together as a group.
 To record results, the elementary students were surveyed before
 and after the lessons to evaluate the change in their knowledge of heart
 health. Project HEART focused on evaluating student knowledge of
 heart anatomy, nutrition and exercise. In all three subjects, the med-
 ical students observed a statistically significant increase in median
 Volunteers for Project HEART at Bob Hope Elementary school.  scores between the pre- and post-lesson survey, indicating that the

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