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MEN’S HEALTH                                                                                  MEN’S HEALTH

        place patients at an increased risk for cardiovascular complications like  These patients may be offered the medication Clomid, which is a non-
        stroke and heart attack. PSAs should be measured as well, as the initia-  steroidal stimulant. This acts on the pituitary gland to stimulate more
        tion of TRT can cause an elevation of the PSA. Elevated PSAs prior to   natural production of FSH and LH and causes intrinsic production of
        induction of TRT raise concern for the possibility of an occult pros-  testosterone while preserving fertility. A standard dose is 50mg daily
 Testosterone Therapy:   tate cancer and need stronger evaluation before proceeding with TRT.  PO, but can be increased to 75mg PO daily, based on the patient's
                                                              weight and lab results.
        Applications of Testosterone Therapy
           Injectable Testosterone: The most common form of TRT still
 Solution or Problem?  remains injectables. Testosterone Cypionate and Enanthanate are very   References:
                                                               1.  Baillargeon, J, Urban, RJ, Ottenbacher, KJ, Pierson, K & Good-
        commonly prescribed by practitioners. They are affordable and easy
 By Matthias D. Hofer, MD, PhD, and   to titrate. The AUA recommends starting patients at 100mg of either   win, JS. (2013). Trends in androgen prescribing in the United
 D. Scott Christensen, RN, MSN, ACNP-BC  agent, once a week. It is sometimes given as 200mg every other week,   States, 2001 to 2011. JAMA Internal Medicine, 173(15), 1465.
        but this should be discouraged, as the risk of polycythemia increases
 Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) continues to grow in pop-  Proper Diagnosis of Testosterone Deficiency  and persists longer when given in larger doses. If administered in this   2.  Baillargeon, J, Urban, RJ, Kuo, YF, Holmes, HM, Raji, M, Mor-
 ularity thanks to radio, internet and social media advertisements and testi-  Clinicians should make a proper diagnosis of testosterone deficien-  manner, the patient tends to feel great for the first week, then “crashes”   gentaler, A, Howrey, B, Lin, YL & Ottenbacher, KJ. (2015).
 monials. Its initial popularity in the realm of men’s fitness has expanded to  cy (TD) with both a low testosterone level and the presence of select   the next. It can create a rollercoaster effect on the patient.  Screening and monitoring in men prescribed testosterone therapy
 include promises that often are misstated and negative impacts when use  symptoms, such as reduced energy, poor libido, reduced endurance,   Newer studies are showing that T Cypionate and T Enanthanate   in the U.S., 2001–2010. Public Health Reports, 130(2), 143–
 escalates without appropriate monitoring and management.   fatigue, depression, poor concentration or changes in erectile function.   can be given subcutaneously instead of intramuscular. This tends to be   152.
 Often physical results drive its use absent informed management.   The American Urological Association (AUA) defines the presence of   gentler on the body and does not typically cause polycythemia because   3.  Mulhall, JP, Trost, L, Brannigan, RE, Kurtz, EG, Redmon, JB,
 Testosterone’s currently accepted medical use in the United States is  TD as a testosterone level consistently lower than the threshold of   of the absorption route. T Cypionate is easier to inject SQ vs Enanthate   Chiles, KA, Lightner, DJ, Miner, M, Murad, MH, Nelson, CJ,
 focused on testosterone deficiency (hypogonadism), but it must be   300ng/dL on at least two consistent serum levels, obtained early in   due to its carrier oil. Testosterone Cypionate uses olive oil as its carri-  Platz, EA, Ramanathan, L & Lewis, RW. (2018). Evaluation and
 strictly monitored. Testosterone can be administered via injections,  the morning.  Men’s T levels are naturally highest in the morning, so   er. Olive oil is far more fluid than sesame oil, almost like water, so it is a   Management of Testosterone Deficiency: AUA Guideline. The
 topical gels, oral pills and even subdermal pellets. All therapies can be  most insurance care plans will not cover therapy unless two morning   preferable choice in administering TRT via the subcutaneous route as it   Journal of Urology, 200(2), 423–432.
 very effective in bringing patients back to a eugonadal state. Manage-  T levels are obtained.   is less likely to congeal and is a more effective delivery system.     juro.2018.03.115
 ment remains essential.  Other patients who could consider screening for TD include   Topical Therapies: Topical ointments can also be used. These  4.  Citron, JT, Ettinger, B, Rubinoff, H, Ettinger, VM, Minkoff, JR,
 patients with a history of unexplained anemia, bone density loss,   have been around for quite some time, are easy to apply and tend to   Hom, F, Kan, PB & Alloo, R. (1996). Prevalence of Hypotha-
 Background of Testosterone Replacement Therapy  diabetes, exposure to chemotherapy, exposure to testicular radiation,   work best in the older population. As therapies evolve, the choice of   lamic-Pituitary Imaging Abnormalities in Impotent Men with
 Testosterone is an essential hormone for males produced primar-  HIV/AIDS, chronic narcotic use, male infertility, pituitary dysfunc-  medication treatments often is dictated by the insurance carrier. Most   Secondary Hypogonadism. The Journal of Urology, 155(2),
 ily in the testicles and is required for differentiation, developmental  tion or chronic corticosteroid use. These are targeted patients, and do   topical testosterone solutions come in a generic formulation, so autho-  529–533.
 growth, and maintenance of phenotype; namely.   not necessarily need to have symptoms and signs of TD.     rization tends to be easier to obtain. However, these should be avoided   5.  Choi, E, Xu, P, Barham, DW, El‐Khatib, FM, Yafi, FA &
 •   Bone density  in men who come into close contact with grandchildren or children in   Kavoussi, P. (2022). Comparison of Outcomes for Hypogo-
 •   Fat distribution  Adjunctive Testing  general, as the risk of contact transference is high.  nadal Men Treated with Intramuscular Testosterone Cypionate
 •   Muscle strength and mass  Unfortunately, it is all too common for some younger men who   Oral Options: There are currently three different types of oral   versus Subcutaneous Testosterone Enanthate. The Journal
 •   Facial and body hair  have been diagnosed with TD, to be placed on improper therapies.   testosterone formulations. They are listed as Tlando, Jatenzo and Kyza-  of Urology, 207(3), 677–683.
 •   Red blood cell production  Any younger male wishing to maintain his fertility should absolutely   trex. These are all newer medications, so a generic is not available. They   ju.0000000000002301
 •   Sex drive  not be placed on any form of exogenous TRT, without consulting with   are a good option for the patient who has needle phobia or just prefers   6.  Park, HJ, Ahn, ST & Moon, DG. (2019). Evolution of guidelines
 •   Sperm production  a urologist. Patients with TD desiring fertility should initially have   an oral route. Previous oral formulations were found to cause hepato-  for testosterone replacement therapy. Journal of Clinical Medi-
 their serum FSH (follicle stimulating hormone), LH (luteinizing hor-  toxicity and were removed from the market. These new formulations   cine, 8(3), 410.
 Testosterone levels generally peak during adolescence and early  mone) and prolactin levels checked. FSH is responsible for intrinsic   avoid the hepatic first pass system, and are absorbed directly within the
 adulthood. As men age, the testosterone level gradually declines —  production of sperm, while LH is responsible for the production of   small intestine, so they should be taken with food.  Matthias D. Hofer, MD, PhD, is a board-certified urologist at
 typically about one percent per year after age 30 or 40. For older men,   testosterone. By measuring these, it can help the practitioner differ-  Subdermal Testosterone Pellets: Testosterone subdermal pel-  Urology San Antonio’s Men’s Health and Wellness Clinic. He
 it is important to determine if a low testosterone level is due to normal   entiate between primary and secondary hypogonadism, and therefore   lets are also a great option for the patient who does not like injections   sees a variety of patients ranging from general urology concerns
 aging or if it is due hypogonadism. 6   provide the proper treatment.  and is looking for a long-term simple TRT option. Pellets are inserted   to  reconstruction  and  trauma.  After  completing  his  six-year
 Hypogonadism hampers the ability to produce normal amounts of   Prolactin levels should be considered in the screening of young   under the skin in the buttock area and slowly release testosterone into   residency in Urology at Northwestern University in Chicago, Dr. Hofer
 testosterone due to a problem with the testicles (primary hypogonad-  male patients as well. Persistently elevated prolactin levels could pos-  the body over the course of four or five months. Once in place, they  specialized further in one of the country’s top-ranked fellowships for Urologic
 ism) or with the pituitary gland (secondary hypogonadism). Multiple   sibly indicate the presence of pituitary tumors, such as prolactinomas,   do not need to be removed and absorb over time. Testopel is the only   Reconstruction, Trauma, and Prosthetics at UT Southwestern in Dallas.
 treatment modalities exist for this condition and can greatly and effec-  and the patient should be referred to an endocrinologist for further   FDA-approved subdermal testosterone replacement therapy. These   He also completed a three-year residency in Pathology at Harvard and
 tively treat symptoms in these men.  evaluation. For patients presenting with a Total T level <150ng/dL   can be done in the urology office in about five minutes. Patients are   earned a PhD. Dr. Hofer is a member of the Bexar County Medical Society.
 Testosterone use in the United States has tripled from 2001 to 2019,   and a low LH, a pituitary MRI should be done regardless of prolactin   usually very satisfied with the results and convenience factor.
 mostly in men without a clear medical indication for its use.  Some   levels to properly identify pituitary adenomas. 3,4  D. Scott Christensen, RN, MSN, ACNP-BC, treats men’s general
 studies have estimated that up to 25 percent of men receiving TRT have   Lastly, a baseline PSA, hemoglobin and hematocrit should be   Testosterone Therapy in the Patient Desiring Fertility  urologic health concerns at Urology San Antonio’s Men’s Health
 not even had their initial T level checked prior to initiating therapy, and   obtained prior to starting any therapy. TRT commonly stimulates the   It is not uncommon to see young men of childbearing age who have   and Wellness Clinic at the Medical Center location. Scott earned
 nearly half of those individuals do not have their levels checked after  production of red blood cells (polycythemia). If the patient’s baseline   been improperly treated with TRT, placing them at risk for issues with   his Acute Care Nurse Practitioner degree from the University
 initiating therapy. It is also estimated that up to a third of these men do  Hct is >50 percent, then TRT should be held until the etiology is for-  infertility. Exogenous testosterone shuts down the hypothalamic-pitu-  of  Texas Health Science Center San Antonio in 2013 and has worked
 not meet the criteria to be diagnosed as testosterone deficient. 2,3   mally investigated. Secondary polycythemias caused by TRT can easily   itary-gonadal (HPG) axis, and can shut down natural spermatogenesis.  exclusively in Men’s Health for Urology San Antonio since that time.

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