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        Bexar County Alliance                                                                                                    Community Outreach in Bexar. In addition to traditional TMA
                                                                                                                                   Julia is no stranger to leadership, currently serving as the VP for

        Shines Bright at TexMed                                                                                                  Foundation projects such as Hard Hats for Little Heads and Book-
                                                                                                                                 Share, Julia has spearheaded Bexar’s new signature program, the Period
                                                                                                                                 Poverty Project. Combining her heart for service with strategic com-
        By Victoria Kohler-Webb, BBA, MS                                                                                         munity partnerships means girls at the Young Women’s Leadership
                                                                                                                                 Academy can access what they need, when they need it. The partner-
           Bexar County Medical Society Alliance (BCMSA) has emerged                                                             ship has been so successful that Bexar County was the recipient of not
        as a beacon of exemplary leadership and unwavering dedication to our                                                     only the TMAA award for Excellence in Community Outreach, but
        community and Texas medicine. Nowhere was this more evident than                                                         also a $2,000 Alliance Health Education grant to expand the program
        the recent TexMed/ALLMED conference in Dallas where local Alli-                                                          from the American Medical Association Alliance. Zeke Silva, Presi-
        ance members were installed to serve at the state level and the county                                                   dent of BCMS, is not surprised, “The energy of the Alliance is incred-
        received statewide recognition for their work.                                                                           ible, powered by the values of medicine and caring for our most needy
           Jenny Shepherd stepped into the spotlight as she was inaugurat-                                                       at their most vulnerable time.”
        ed as the 107th president of the Texas Medical Association Alliance                                                        Julia’s former statewide role as Resource Liaison will be filled by
        (TMAA). In her address to the TMA House of Delegates, she empha-                                                         Brittany Garcia-Noche, BCMSA President-elect and spouse of Ramy
        sized the immense impact that each individual can have, shining a light                                                  Noche, sports medicine specialist. BCMSA Past President and advisor
        on the tremendous power of one. She considers herself exceptionally                                                      Danielle Henkes voices best why Brittany is the kind of leader need-
        privileged to lead during a legislative year, as advocacy is her true pas-                                               ed, “A thoughtful and thorough leader, Brittany exudes a quiet energy.
        sion. She is determined to convey to every member of the family of                                                       Her keen listening and observation skills enable her to forge mean-
        medicine the importance of active involvement and having a relation-                                                     ingful connections with other members as well as identify needs and
        ship with your legislator. “Physicians can no longer sit on the sidelines                                                opportunities statewide.”
        if they want to control how they practice medicine. If legislators aren’t                                                  About the Alliance overall, BCMS President-elect John Shepherd,
        hearing our voices, they are listening to someone else. One voice and                                                    University Hospital pediatric anesthesiologist, echoes the sentiments   As for Jenny, she’s not daunted by the vast scope of work that lies
        one vote can make the difference.” The success of her leadership in this                                                 of Zeke Silva when he says, “We can never discount the invaluable con-  ahead. Instead, she is dedicated to focusing on nurturing one legislative
        area resulted in Bexar County winning the Mary Ann Homer Legisla-                                                        tributions of this remarkable group. They are the driving force behind   relationship, cultivating one new idea and championing one communi-
        tive Award from TMAA this year.                                                                                          so much of our community outreach, demonstrating unwavering pas-  ty outreach project at a time because she believes in the power of one,
           Jenny is not the only Bexar County Alliance member to be chosen                                                       sion and tireless dedication as they work towards our shared goals.   knowing that each one adds up to a huge difference in the end.
        to lead at the state level over the next year. Julia Halvorsen, married to                                               Their commitment and hard work embody the spirit of service that
        ER physician Jake, will serve as secretary. She spent the last year as a                                                 defines the family of medicine; I am truly grateful for their support   For information on the Bexar County
        statewide Resource Liaison helping guide the direction of the Alliance                                                   both in Bexar County and across the state.”           Medical Society Alliance, scan the code:
        overall. Julia has strong convictions about why the Alliance matters
        “I believe there is nothing more important than family; connecting
        and supporting physician families is at the heart of what the Alliance
        is about.”                                                   Jenny Shepherd, TMA Alliance 2024-2025 President.

              Victoria Kohler-Webb, BBA, MS Marketing Statistics, is the 2024
              Alliance President. She and Ben, an ENT/Head & Neck Surgeon,
              are proud Aggies and parents to Luke, 14, and four rescue dogs.
                                                                     Jenny Shepherd addresses the TMA House of Delegates.        Julia Halvorsen representing Bexar County   Brittany Garcia-Noche, incoming statewide Resource   Brittany Garcia-Noche, Julia Halvorsen
                                                                                                                                 at the TMAA Project Poster Session.  Liaison and BCMSA President-elect, and Julia Halvorsen,   and kids: The Family of Medicine.
                                                                                                                                                                  BCMSA VP for Community Outreach, and past statewide
                                                                                                                                                                  Resource Liaison, distributing BookShare books at CHOSA.

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