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SAN ANTONIO                                                                                                                                                                                                     SAN ANTONIO
           MEDICINE                                                                                                                                                                                                        MEDICINE

        The BCMSA Legacy:                                                                                                        ance as the Boies family is relocating to Greensboro, NC where Brian  and the beautiful friendships I have made in the past 14 years. If you
                                                                                                                                   It is bittersweet for me to reminisce on my time with the Alli-
                                                                                                                                                                                       today without the Alliance. I am extremely indebted to the Alliance
        Bringing the “Care” to Healthcare                                                                                        serves as the Chief Academic Officer and Senior Vice President of  aren’t a member of the Bexar County Medical Society Alliance yet, I
                                                                                                                                 Cone Health.  For both of us, the Alliance and Bexar County Medi-
                                                                                                                                                                                       hope you decide to join the family of medicine.
                                                                                                                                 cal Society helped us grow into the individuals we are today through
         By Lori Boies, PhD, MPH                                                                                                 the opportunities afforded to us. I feel that I grew up with the Alli-
                                                                                                                                 ance, as these friends saw me defend my PhD dissertation, get my   Lori Boies, PhD, MPH, is the 2023 – 2024 TMAA VP of Fiscal
                                                                                                                                 first real job, and celebrated the birth of our daughters, Helen and   Affairs, and the 2017 BCMSA President. She is an Assistant
                                                                                                                                 Julie, by graciously throwing the most beautiful showers for me and   Professor of Biological Sciences and Bioinformatics at St. Mary’s
           Our Bexar County Medical Society Alliance is one of the oldest in   half of graduating medical students are female; many households now   offering help whenever I needed it. I would not be the person I am   University
        the state of Texas (third oldest to be exact). The Alliance — named the   have two working spouses (possibly two physicians), and the role of
        Auxiliary at the time — first met on October 29, 1917 at the Menger   the traditional “housewife” has evolved. While being the spouse of a
        Hotel to make surgical dressings for the local Red Cross during World   physician grants us many benefits, there are inherent sacrifices. I joined
        War I. In May of 1918, during the TMA annual session in San Anto-  the Alliance in 2010 when my husband, Brian, and I moved to San
        nio, 350 doctors’ wives organized the Alliance to the State Association,   Antonio for his residency. The Alliance proved to be a cornerstone in
        and Mrs. E. H. Cary was elected the first president.   making San Antonio feel like home in those early, demanding years.
           Early on, emphasis was placed on serving the community with   The friendships I have gained have always been refreshing to me, a sil-
        health education programs, promoting friendship among doctors’   ver-lining, as physician families alone understand the rigors of a life in
        families, and taking an active interest in legislative matters affecting  medicine. This was exemplified in the ways we came together during
        medicine on both state and federal levels. Women’s suffrage was still in   the stressful COVID years. We all rallied around each other as we dealt
        Congress in 1919, but the early Alliance showed insight that women’s   with the fear, uncertainty and sometimes even more demands on our
        roles were changing forever.                           spouse’s time. When we lost one of our beloved past-presidents, Rebec-  Among the other new officers of the Woman's   ENTERTAINMENT CHAIRMEN - Chairmen of   These members of the Woman’s Auxiliary of the
           In the 1930s, the Alliance assisted with a city-wide survey of pre-  ca Christopherson (2015), to COVID, we came together to honor her   Auxiliary to the Bexar County Medical Society are,   the Women’s Auxiliary to the Bexar County   Bexar County Medical Society are assisting with
        school children in cooperation with a national program for child   through planting a tree in her neighborhood so that all could remem-  from left to right above, Mesdames M. A. Childers,   Medical Society assisting with the entertainment   plans for the air cruise party to be given by the
                                                                                                                                 Jr., publicity secretary; Russell T. Snip, treasurer;
        health and protection — a delegate was invited to attend meetings of a   ber her bright spirit. Ultimately, we are the family of medicine.  Cornelius H. Nau, corresponding secretary, and   of visitors.  group October 5 at Stinson Field
        national movement at the White House conference in February 1931.   How do we stay true to the pledge to “foster activities in benevo-  Royall N. Calder, fourth vice-president.
        Over the following years, the Alliance strengthened and expanded its   lent, philanthropic, charitable and patriotic endeavors” a century after
        focus on bringing needed healthcare programs on nutrition, safety,   our inception? We have many volunteer opportunities organized by
        science fairs and health careers to the San Antonio community, while   our VP of Civic and Philanthropic activities for our members who
        continuing to be active in legislative issues.         are interested in serving our community. Historically, we have given
           In the 1990s, the Alliance joined the state auxiliaries to focus on  away thousands of bicycle helmets to children through the TMA
        our youth with “Healthier Youth 2000,” and partnered with schools on   Foundation’s “Hard Hats for Little Heads” program to prevent head
        a “Drug- Free Graduation.” We addressed the AIDS crisis in San Anto-  injuries. We have also participated in immunization drives, addressed
        nio, providing supplies for children in crisis, and we reached across  issues around alcoholism and period poverty, volunteered at men’s and
        our southern border to aid impoverished pueblos outside of Mexico   women’s shelters, provided books to children with cleft lips and pal-
        City with donated medical supplies and medical care. We continued  ates to help bolster self-esteem, partnered with the TMA Foundation
        to support the education of nurses with scholarships, raised funds for   to enhance literacy by providing books to pediatrician’s offices, and
        medical research and student loans, and participated in legislation at   countless other initiatives in our 107 years of giving back to our coun-            2017, Donation to Project Brave. L-R: First two   2017, Fall Luncheon with luncheon honoree,
        the local, state and federal levels. Organ donation and breast cancer   ty through the lens of creating a healthier community. Additionally,                 individuals, affiliates with Project Brave, BCMSA   Lila Cockrell.
        awareness were key efforts, with our Breast Cancer Bingo touted an   we raise thousands of dollars in scholarships for university students                   members Cindy Farris, Lori Boies and Jenny
        award-winning program.                                 in Bexar County studying Pre-Health Professions, and provide schol-                                   Shepherd.
           Through years of dedicated service, we have forged friendships   arships to medical students at both UT Health San Antonio Long
        through the Book Club, Playgroup, cooking classes, investment semi-  School of Medicine and the University of the Incarnate Word School
        nars and other supporting social events. Today, Alliance membership   of Osteopathic Medicine. Since 1917, the BCMSA has served as a bea-
        has grown to better reflect the changing physician family, with male   con in the medical community to answer the call with creative solu-
        spouses joining the traditionally female Alliance, physicians them-  tions when needs arise in our county.
        selves joining to support the Alliance, and 2013 saw the election of   I was honored to serve as the 2017 BCMSA President during our
        our first male Alliance president.                     Centennial Celebration. The presidents who both served immediately
           From its inception, the Alliance was organized “to create fellow-  before and after me are legends in their own right, as they have gone on
        ship among families of physicians and to foster activities in benevolent,  to serve as President of the Texas Medical Association Alliance — Jen-
        philanthropic, charitable and patriotic endeavors.” As the Alliance pre-  nifer Lewis (2016) and Jenny Shepherd (2018).  Jenny is our current
        pares to celebrate its 107th anniversary, I feel that this statement still   TMAA president and has shined through her work in advocacy, being
        fully embodies what we represent.                      the only two-time winner of the TEXPAC June Bratcher Award for
           How do we continue to “create fellowship among families of phy-  Political Action, as well as being recognized nationally by the AMA                      2023 Past Presidents Luncheon.      2019 Party of Medicine: Lori Boies and Jenny
        sicians,” when the definition of the physician family has changed since   Alliance. We are lucky to be surrounded by such trailblazers in our own                                                Shepherd.
        the founding of the Alliance during World War I? We recognize that  county who are generous with their time.

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