Page 37 - SAM-0724 v4
P. 37

ART IN                                                                                             ART IN
 MEDICINE                                                                                         MEDICINE

 “Harvesting Hope:   “A Father and Daughter

 Load of Life”  Amidst Earth’s Shadows”

 Artist’s Note: This painting is based                                                 Artist’s Note: I sought to explore
 on a picture I took on my trip to India.                                              the role of familial bonds in plane-
 It depicts a young girl in a village in                                               tary health through acrylic painting.
 Rajasthan who was carrying large                                                      I wanted to highlight the joy and
 pieces of wood to help her mother                                                     wonder that can exist in simple acts
 cook in a traditional-wood burning                                                    of living, generational guidance, and
 stove. In these regions, cooking is still                                             the evolving responsibilities of chil-
 carried out this way because they do                                                  dren. The color palette was pulled
 not have access to cooking-gas stoves.                                                from hues observed in photographs
 Families like hers represent vulnerable                                               of Earth from space, creating a visual
 populations who live in remote areas                                                  connection between the microcosm
 with limited access to medical care.                                                  of a shared meal between individuals,
 This particular village is situated in a                                              and the macrocosm of our planet. I
 desert region which is subject to high                                                drew inspiration from my journey
 temperature, and inhabitants can suf-                                                 as first a daughter reliant on family
 fer from conditions like dehydration,                                                 guidance and the wonder that comes
 heatstroke, depletion of nutrition,                                                   with it, to assuming responsibility to
 which are only worsened by global                                                     shed light on community and plane-
 warming and the resulting higher                                                      tary questions as a future healthcare
 temperatures. It is necessary as health-                                              worker, and the eventual obligations
 care providers to advocate for more                                                   to family as their caretaker and living
 healthcare facilities for people living                                               memory. Through a shared bowl of
 in rural areas to ensure equal access                                                 rice, I want to invite contemplation
 to care. We also need to become stew-                                                 on  our  collective  responsibility  to
 ards of the environment in these times                                                nurture and protect both our personal
 of changing climates to reduce the                                                    history and the planet for current and
 negative effects of global warming on                                                 future generations.
 people living in vulnerable areas.

                                                                                       Phuongthy Tran
 Anukriti Singh                                                                        Class of 2027

 Class of 2026                                                                         Long School of Medicine
 Long School of Medicine                                                               UT Health-San Antonio
 UT Health-San Antonio

 Oil on canvas.

        Acrylic on canvas.

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