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        We Can Accomplish So

        Much Together

        By Ezequiel "Zeke" Silva III, President, Bexar County Medical Society (BCMS)

          As I step into the role of BCMS President, I am filled with a sense   BCMS – A Legacy of Service and Advocacy
        of honor and responsibility. Representing and advocating for our physi-  With a 170-year history, BCMS has been a steadfast advocate for
        cians and medical students in San Antonio and its surrounding coun-  our medical community. Our diversity is our strength, encompassing
        ties is not just a duty; it's a privilege that I embrace wholeheartedly.   physicians across various specialties, career stages and practice models.
                                                               This collective power enables us to form meaningful partnerships with
        My Background – A Commitment to Medical Advocacy       civic leaders, healthcare systems and patient groups, among others.
          I joined the South Texas Radiology Group (STRG) in 2002, a tran-
        sition that followed my training at Massachusetts General Hospital.   Our Local Focus – A Foundation for National Relevance
        Being part of STRG, a practice that values and invests in advocacy, has   Our primary responsibility lies in representing and advocating for
        been a fortunate step in my career. Alongside this, my role as an Adjunct   our local physicians and medical students. However, our local achieve-
        Professor of Radiology at UT Health - Long School of Medicine and  ments and challenges have the power to influence and shape state and
        Vice-Chief of Staff at Methodist Texsan Hospital have provided an  national policies. For instance, our experiences with prior authorization
        important vantage point to witness and contribute to the power of  have already made an impact at the state level, contributing to the pas-
        advocacy in medicine.                                  sage of the Texas Gold Card Act.
          My involvement extends beyond local boundaries. As a member of
        the TMA Council on Legislation and Chair of the AMA RVS Update   Looking Ahead – Your Vision, Our Mission
        Committee (RUC), I've gained insights into the challenges and oppor-  As your new President, I am eager to understand your vision and
        tunities at the state and national levels. This diverse experience positions   challenges. Your insights are invaluable in shaping our path forward.
        me to lead BCMS with a broad perspective, understanding the nuances   Let us work together to make BCMS an even more powerful voice for
        of local needs while keeping an eye on the broader horizon.   our physicians and our community.

        This Year's Goals – Amplifying Our Collective Voice    In Closing – A Call to Association
         1. Maximizing BCMS' Relevance: Our focus is to ensure that BCMS   I firmly believe in the power of associations, echoing the words of
          remains crucial and beneficial to our members. We want to be your   President Theodore Roosevelt in 1908: “Every man owes part of his
          go-to resource, offering support and guidance that is both practical   time to the business or industry to which he is engaged. No man has a
          and impactful.                                       moral right to withhold his support from an organization that is striv-
         2. Strengthening Community Ties: We aim to fortify our connections   ing to improve conditions within his sphere.” Today, this statement is
          within the community, forging partnerships that extend our reach   inclusive of every man and woman, reminding us of the importance of
          and influence. These relationships are vital for our collective success   organizations like BCMS to our profession.
          and the advancement of healthcare in our region.
         3. Expanding Our Influence: Our voice needs to resonate not just locally,   Let's embark on this journey together, reinforcing our commitment
          but also at the state and national levels. We'll strive to ensure that the   to our local community while making our mark on the larger medical
          concerns and achievements of San Antonio's medical community   landscape. Your engagement, insights and contributions are what will
          are heard and acknowledged far and wide.             drive us forward.
                                                                 Together, we can achieve remarkable things.
        Your Role – The Essence of Our Success
          I cannot emphasize enough the importance of your involvement. As   Ezequiel "Zeke" Silva III, MD, is the 2024 President, Bexar County
        physicians, your time is a precious commodity, and your willingness to   Medical Society. Dr. Silva is a radiologist with the South Texas Radiology
        volunteer is the cornerstone of our success. BCMS is committed to   Group and Vice-Chief of Staff at Methodist Hospital Texsan. He serves
        maximizing your contributions through efficient meetings, consistent   on the TMA Council on Legislation and is a TMA Delegate to the AMA.
        support and timely communication.                      He Chairs the AMA RVS Update Committee (RUC).

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