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        BCMS: Our Most Important Asset:

        Our Members

        By Ezequiel "Zeke" Silva III, President, Bexar County Medical Society (BCMS)

          As BCMS President, I am deeply committed to our members, a di-  cess for office-based practices,
        verse and dynamic group of physicians and medical students in Bexar   who lacked access through
        and surrounding counties. Our primary mission is understanding and   local healthcare systems. Our
        serving their needs, ensuring that we remain a vital part of their pro-  advocacy extends to state and national levels, with members serving on
        fessional and personal growth.                         delegations to the TMA and AMA, and testifying before legislative and
                                                               regulatory bodies. These efforts ensure our members' voices are heard
        Why It Matters:                                        and their concerns are addressed beyond San Antonio.
          BCMS, an association of physicians and medical students, is funda-
        mentally dependent on its membership and their engagement. The   Dig Deeper:
        health and well-being of our community are directly linked to our suc-  BCMS has a 170-year history of representing physicians and medical
        cess. We are the backbone of medical advocacy and support in our re-  students. Our calendar is packed with events and activities, which can
        gion, and our strength comes from our members' active participation.   be found at A description of our var-
                                                               ious committees is available at We are
        Who We Are:                                            also fortunate to have a robust BCMS Alliance, fostering partnerships
          BCMS proudly represents physicians across Bexar and neighboring   with families supporting their physician family members. More infor-
        counties. We are dedicated to addressing the varied needs of our mem-  mation about this important group is available at www.bcms-
        bers, which includes a wide range of specialties, practice models and and
        career stages. This diversity makes our task both challenging and re-  Physicians are busy professionals with responsibilities to their prac-
        warding, as we strive to cater to the unique needs of each member.   tice, family and personal needs. BCMS seeks to complement these re-
                                                               sponsibilities by providing a venue to translate what we see in our
        What We Offer:                                         practices into solutions for our community. We strive to do this effi-
          1. Services: Our multifunctional building is a central hub for com-  ciently and with effective communication and support.
        munity gatherings, educational events and BCMS-related meetings.
        San Antonio Medicine, our monthly publication, features articles from   Get Involved:
        members, providing insights into different specialties and patient care   We invite you to engage with us. Use this link to send us your infor-
        innovation. Our online presence offers resources on vaccines and physi-  mation, and we will tap into your talents:
        cian wellness. We focus on professional growth through our Speaker’s   bcmsform.php?pdf=committeepreferenceform.pdf.
        Bureau, Medical/Legal Committee, Leadership Course and mentor-
        ship programs. Additionally, we offer practice support to physicians'   Conclusion:
        staff, providing resources focused on reimbursement issues and ancil-  BCMS is unwavering in its commitment to its members, continually
        lary staffing support.                                 adapting to meet their evolving needs. We understand the importance
          2. Experiences: We recognize the stressful nature of medicine and   of member contributions, both in terms of dues and volunteer efforts,
        focus on building a supportive community. We organize social events   to sustain and enrich our community. Our goal is to be the indispen-
        like the Holiday Party and Auto Show, fostering networking and re-  sable resource for our physicians, ready to respond to their concerns
        laxation. Leadership opportunities abound in BCMS committees, the   and aspirations. Through collective efforts, we aim to strengthen the
        Board of Directors and delegations to the TMA and AMA. We cele-  voice of physicians in San Antonio and make significant contributions
        brate leadership beyond BCMS with events like the Women Leaders   to patient care and public health.
        in Medicine Awards and the Installation of Officers, and recognize out-
        standing individual achievement through awards like the Golden Aes-  Ezequiel “Zeke” Silva III, MD, is the 2024 President of the Bexar
        culapius and the Dianna Burns-Banks Community Service Award.   County Medical Society. Dr. Silva is a radiologist with the South Texas
          3. Representation: Advocacy is a cornerstone of our work. We listen   Radiology Group, Adjunct Professor of Radiology at the UT Health, Long
        to the local challenges and needs of our members, translating them into   School of Medicine, and Vice-Chief of Staff at Methodist Hospital Texsan.
        actionable solutions. A prime example was our response to the COVID-  He serves on the TMA Council on Legislation and is a TMA Delegate to
        19 vaccine distribution challenge in early 2021, where we facilitated ac-  the AMA. He chairs the AMA RVS Update Committee (RUC).

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