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                                                                            TABLE OF CONTENTS

                                       ORGAN DONATION                                 San Antonio Medicine is the official publication of

                                       The End-of-Year Thoughts of a Kidney Transplant   Bexar County Medical Society (BCMS). All ex-
                                                                                      pressions of opinions and statements of sup-
                                          Professional                                posed facts are published on the authority of the
                                         By Matthias H. Kapturczak, MD, PhD ..............................................12   writer, and cannot be regarded as expressing the
                                                                                      views of BCMS. Advertisements do not imply
                                       Innovations in Liver Transplantation             sponsorship of or endorsement by BCMS.
                                          By Fred Poordad, MD, FAASLD, and Corrie Berk, DNP, MBA, APRN 14
                                                                                      EditoriAl CorrESpondEnCE:
                                       Corneal Transplantation                        Bexar County Medical Society
                                          By Natalie A. Johnson, MS1, and Daniel A. Johnson, MD, MBA...18   4334 n loop 1604 W, Ste. 200
                                                                                      San Antonio, tX 78249
                                       Pediatric Liver Transplantation: A path to life beyond    Email:

                                          liver disease                               MAGAZinE AddrESS CHAnGES:
                                          By Danielle Fritze, MD, and Francisco G. Cigarroa, MD ................20   Call (210) 301-4391 or

                                       One Organ Donor Could Save up to Eight Lives Through   SuBSCription rAtES:
                                          Donation                                    $30 per year or $4 per individual issue

                                          Courtesy of the Texas Organ Sharing Alliance  .............................22
                                                                                      AdvErtiSinG CorrESpondEnCE:
                                       A Love Story                                   louis doucette, president
                                          By Kristy Y. Kosub, MD................................................................24   traveling Blender, llC.
                                                                                      A publication Management Firm
        BAMC Nurse Receives Life-Saving Bone Marrow Transplant                        10036 Saxet, Boerne, tX 78006
           Interview with Karina Hernandez, coordinated by Robert A. Whetstone, Deputy, Communications Division,
           Brooke Army Medical Center, and conducted by Monica Jones, BCMS COO, and Trisha Doucette, Editor  ..........26   For advertising rates and information
                                                                                      Call (210) 410-0014
        BCMS President’s Message.................................................................................................................................................8

        BCMS Alliance Message ....................................................................................................................................................10   SAN ANTONIO MEDICINE is published by SmithPrint, Inc.
        San Antonio Physicians: Your Opportunity to Shape Medicine in Texas           (Publisher) on behalf of the Bexar County Medical Society
                                                                                      (BCMS). Reproduction in any manner in whole or part is pro-
           By Ezequiel “Zeke” Silva III, MD, President, BCMS ................................................................................................28   hibited without the express written consent of Bexar County
                                                                                      Medical Society. Material contained herein does not necessarily
        You CAN Teach an Old Doc New Tricks  By Tim Hlavinka, MD..................................................................................30   reflect the opinion of BCMS, its members,  or its staff. SAN AN-
                                                                                      TONIO MEDICINE the Publisher and BCMS reserves the right
        Dementia: Incidence, Prevalence, Diagnostic and Treatment Approaches  By Antonio Cavazos, MD, and    to edit all material for clarity and space and assumes no re-
           Amber Casarez, AGNP-C, PhD-C...................................................................................................................................32   sponsibility for accuracy, errors or omissions. San Antonio Med-
                                                                                      icine does not knowingly accept false or misleading
                                                                                      advertisements or editorial nor does the Publisher or BCMS as-
        2024 BCMS Joint Installation of Officers, Golden Aesculapius and Distinguished Service Awards  .....................................34   sume responsibility should such advertising or editorial appear.
                                                                                      Articles and photos are welcome and may be submitted to our
        The 1853 Club Luncheon...................................................................................................................................................38   office to be used subject to the discretion and review of the
                                                                                      Publisher and BCMS. All real estate advertising is subject to the
        BCMS Vendor Directory .....................................................................................................................................................40   Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968, which makes it illegal to ad-
        Auto Review: 2023 Rivian R1S  By Stephen Schutz, MD....................................................................................................44   vertise “any preference limitation or discrimination based on
                                                                                      race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national
        Recommended Auto Dealers .............................................................................................................................................46  orgin, or an intention to make such preference limitation or dis-
          PUBLIShED BY:           ADvERTISINg SALES:        SmithPrint, Inc. is a family-owned and operated San Antonio-based printing and pub-
          traveling Blender, llC.   AUSTIN:                 lishing company that has been in business since 1995. We are specialists in turn-key
          10036 Saxet             Sandy Weatherford
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          louis doucette          Gerry lair
   service and attention to our clients’ printing and marketing needs to San Antonio Med-
                                                            icine magazine with each issue.
          vicki Schroder          For more information on advertising in
   San Antonio Medicine,    Copyright © 2024 Smithprint, inc.
                                  Call Traveling Blender at
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         4     SAN ANTONIO MEDICINE  • February 2024
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