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        Medical Student Advocacy Through the

        American Medical Association (AMA)

        By Jiwon Park, BA

          Riding the metro in Houston, I nervously arrived at Westheimer.   The AMA also hosts the 2024 National Advocacy Conference to ad-
        Serving women in substance use disorder (SUD) recovery, my experi-  vocate for healthcare reforms on Capitol Hill, which will be held in
        ence at The Women’s Home catalyzed my passion for advocacy. Or-  Washington, DC in February.  The conference provides opportunities
        chestrating a health-musicking organization called “Tunes for Life,” I   for medical students to talk directly to members of Congress and po-
        hoped to promote healing by reflecting on themes embedded in music.   litical insiders about key advocacy issues.  Interested medical students
        While the participants and I came from different backgrounds, sharing   can learn more about AMA advocacy by joining their local chapter. My
        memories intertwined with the music connected us. During one par-  conversations at “Tunes for Life” led my journey to the AMA. Simi-
        ticular lesson on Adele, the conversations inspired me to take a step be-  larly, I strongly urge fellow medical students to advocate for issues dear
        yond volunteer service.                                to their hearts and ultimately use advocacy to be at the forefront of
          Reflecting on Adele’s “Hello,” one participant shared that the lyric’s   shaping healthcare policy for both physicians and patients.
        depiction of a one-sided phone call reminded her of her estranged re-
        lationship with her daughter whom she lost custody of. Another shared   References:
        that the criminal justice system severed her relationship with her late   1. Bronson, J & Carson, EA. (2019, April). Prisoners in 2020 – statis-
        father. These stories are not isolated. In fact, soon I realized that many   tical  tables  -  bureau  of  justice  statistics.
        women with SUDs were involved in the criminal justice system. Drug
        use and possession played an important role in contributing to female   2. Al-Rousan, T, Rubenstein, L, Sieleni, B, Deol, H & Wallace, RB.
        mass incarceration, with almost a quarter being non-violent, drug-re-  (2017). Inside the nation's largest mental health institution: a preva-
        lated offenses.  Yet, despite the system’s failure to facilitate recovery, the   lence study in a state prison system. BMC public health, 17(1), 342.
        justice system remains the largest institution in the U.S. to provide men-
        tal healthcare for these patients.  By working with fellows at the Baker   3. Medical student section (MSS) Guide to writing a resolution. Amer-
        Institute of Policy and co-leading a year-long Alternative Spring Break   ican Medical Association. (2023, June 22). https://www.ama-
        Program “Women Beyond Bars,” I learned that lasting, impactful ad-
        vances for patients must start with changes to drug policies, policing   nt-section-mss-guide-writing-resolution
                                                               4. Holm, AL & Davis, RM. (2004). Clearing the airways: advocacy
        and healthcare accessibility. Thus, in medical school, I wanted to con-
                                                                 and regulation for smoke-free airlines. Tobacco control, 13 Suppl
        tinue advocacy by joining the American Medical Association (AMA).
                                                                 1(Suppl 1), i30–i36.
        While my passion came from advocating for women with SUDs, I want
                                                               5. Quality of School Lunch Program H-150.962. American Medical
        to encourage all fellow physician trainees to channel their unique tra-
                                                                 Association Policy Finder. (n.d.-b). https://policysearch.ama-
        jectories to advance the practice of medicine.
          Healthcare does not exist as an island. Rather, it is intricately con-
        nected to healthcare policy on the state and federal level with various
                                                               6. Considering Feminine Hygiene Products as Medical Necessities H-
        interests involved in how healthcare is delivered and accessed. Thus,
                                                                 525.974. American Medical Association Policy Finder. (n.d.).
        the AMA provides a powerful platform for medical students to catalyze
        change in organized medicine. In particular, AMA’s Medical Student
        Section (MSS) shares the opportunity for medical students to build
        experiences with advocacy. Through the annual and interim policy
        cycle, medical students can author resolutions that address gaps in
                                                               7. American Medical Association. (n.d.). 2024 National Advocacy
        AMA policy.  Adopted resolutions that pass the House of Delegates
                                                                 Conference. American Medical Association. https://www.ama-
        (HOD) become AMA policy that guides AMA’s stance on key issues
        that impact physicians, patients and the healthcare environment.  Pub-
        lic health efforts such as opposing smoking on airplanes,  defending   Jiwon Park is a medical student at the UT Health San Antonio
        Federal Child Nutrition Programs,  and considering feminine hygiene   Long School of Medicine, and she is serving as the AMA Chapter
        products as medical necessities all involved medical student advocacy.    Delegate.

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