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              TEXPAC – The Party Of Medicine

                                                   By Adam Bruggeman, MD

          Every other year, the beginning of summer marks the end of the leg-  dates on both sides of the aisle. While physicians who contribute may
        islative session in Texas. This year’s session will perhaps best be remem-  not always agree with all of the opinions of legislators supported by
        bered for the bills that didn’t pass over the ones that did when it comes  TEXPAC, they will find comfort in knowing that those legislators will
        to healthcare. A flurry of bills that would have significantly impacted  be strong advocates of physicians’ critical medical issues.
        the scope of practice, physician compensation and the administration   While TEXPAC has been very successful to date, the future is always
        of healthcare were ultimately defeated through the efforts of the Texas  uncertain. Only 10% of TMA members support TEXPAC, leaving
        Medical Association and TEXPAC. While many physicians are aware  significant room for improvement. As healthcare continues to increase
        of the work of the Texas Medical Association, TEXPAC is not always  in costs, more companies and legislators will be looking for ways to re-
        as well understood. There are 5,000 physicians who contribute to  duce spending while maintaining or improving quality. If physicians
        TEXPAC, while there are over 50,000 members of the Texas Medical  are not at the table, they will see worsening cuts and unfavorable laws
        Association.                                           written impacting patient-physician relationships and autonomy of
          TEXPAC is one of the oldest political action committees in the state   practice.
        of Texas with a founding in the 1960s. Political action committees are   The effectiveness of TEXPAC now and in the future depends on
        organizations that take donations from individuals and then utilize that   two things: the continued support from current donors, and engaging
        money to influence the election or defeat of political candidates in ad-  physicians who aren’t currently giving to the PAC. If you would like to
        dition to advocating for or against legislative initiatives. TEXPAC   learn more about TEXPAC, you can visit their website at www.tex-
        mostly focuses on state issues at this time, including election of physi- or email them at
        cian-friendly legislators and education surrounding healthcare-related
        legislation. Combined, the TEXPAC and the Texas Medical Associa-  Adam Bruggeman, MD, is an orthopedic spine surgeon in
        tion are a very powerful voice throughout the state for physicians and   San Antonio, Texas. He currently serves as the Chair of the
        their patients.                                              Council on Advocacy for the American Academy of Orthopaedic
          In today’s polarized politics, many physicians worry that larger or-  Surgeons, providing oversight to their national regulatory, legislative and
        ganizations like TEXPAC don’t truly represent their views. The reality   PAC efforts. 
        is that healthcare is bipartisan and TEXPAC is able to support candi-

         24     SAN ANTONIO MEDICINE  • August 2023
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