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           ProAssurance              MEDICAL BILLING AND        Stephanie Dick            SWBC’s services supporting Physi-           chases and practice transitions.
           (HH Silver Sponsor)       COLLECTIONS SERVICES       Commercial Banker         cians and the Medical Society.              Brad Wilson Agent
           ProAssurance professional liability                  210-744-4396              Jon Tober                                   201-573-6146
           insurance defends healthcare                   Sr. Loan Officer        
           providers facing malpractice                         Danette Castaneda         Office: 210-317-7431                        Jeremy Burroughs Agent
           claims and provides fair treatment                   Business Banking Specialist   NMLS# 212945                            405-410-8923
           for our insureds. ProAssurance   Medical Financial Group    512-797-5129                
           Group’s rating is AM Best A                          Danette.castaneda@firstciti-
                                     (★★★ Gold Sponsor)                                                                     
           (Excellent).              Healthcare and Financial Profes-           /jon-tober                                  “Maximize Your Profitability
           Mike Rosenthal            sionals providing core solutions to                        Through Real Estate”
           Senior Vice President,    Physicians from one proven   m/tx/austin/stephanie-dick   PROFESSIONAL                           Foresite Real Estate, Inc.
           Business Development      source. CEO is Jesse Gonzales,    “People Bank with People” “Your   ORGANIZATIONS                (HH Silver Sponsor)
           800-282-6242              CPA, MBA Controller and past   Practice, Our Promise”                                            Foresite is a full-service commer-
    CFO of (2) Fortune 500 compa-                 The Health Cell                             cial real estate firm that assists
       nies, Past Board President of                        (HH Silver Sponsor)                         with site selection, acquisitions,
                                     Communicare Health Systems.   MEDICAL SUPPLIES AND    “Our Focus is People” Our mis-             lease negotiations, landlord rep-
           INTERNET                  Jesse Gonzales, CEO CPA, MBA   EQUIPMENT             sion is to support the people who           resentation, and property man-
           TELECOMMUNICATIONS        210-846-9415                                         propel the healthcare and bio-              agement.
                                                                                          science industry in San Antonio.
                              Henry Schein Medical    Industry, academia, military, non-         Bill Coats
                                     Linda Noltemeier-Jones Director   (HH Silver Sponsor)   profit, R&D, healthcare delivery,        210-816-2734
                                     of Operations              From alcohol pads and bandages   professional services and more!
                                     210-557-9044               to EKGs and ultrasounds, we are   President, Kevin Barber   
           Unite Private Networks              the largest worldwide distributor                           “Contact us today for a free eval-
           (HHH Gold Sponsor)        of medical supplies, equipment,   210-308-7907 (Direct)               uation of your current lease”
           Unite Private Networks (UPN) has   “Let’s start with Free Evaluation   vaccines and pharmaceuticals
           offered fiber optic networks since   and Consultation from our Team   serving office-based practitioners   Valerie Rogler, Program Coordinator
           1998.  Lit services or dark fiber –   of Professionals”   in 20 countries. Recognized as   210-904-5404                    RETIREMENT PLANNING
           our expertise allows us to deliver                   one of the world’s most ethical
           customized solutions and a re-                       companies by Ethisphere.
                                                                                          “Where San Antonio’s Healthcare
           warding customer experience.                         Tom Rosol
                                                                                          Leaders Meet”
           Clayton Brown -                                      210-413-8079

           Regional Vice President of Sales –         
                                     PCS Revenue Cycle Management                         San Antonio Medical Group Man-              Oakwell Private Wealth
           San Antonio                                
                                     (HHH Gold Sponsor)                                   agement Association (SAMGMA)                Management
           210-693-8025              We are a HIPAA compliant full-  “BCMS members receive GPO                                        (HHH Gold Sponsor)
     service medical billing company   discounts of 15 to 50 percent.”    (HH Silver Sponsor)     Oakwell Private Wealth Manage-
           Aron Sweet – Account Director   specializing in medical billing, cre-          SAMGMA is a professional non-               ment is an independent financial
           210-788-9515              dentialing, and consulting to                        profit association with a mission           advisory firm with a proven track
    physicians and mid-level   MOLECULAR DIAGNOSTICS     to provide educational programs             record of providing tailored finan-
           Jim Dorman – Account Director    providers in private practice.   LABORATORY   and networking opportunities to             cial planning and wealth manage-
           210-428-1206                                                                   medical practice managers and
                                     Deion Whorton Sr.                                    support charitable fundraising.             ment services to those within the
    CEO/Founder                                                                                      medical community.
           Tammy Carosello –         210-937-4089                                         Alan Winkler, President                     Brian T. Boswell, CFP®, QKA
            Account Director                                                   Senior Private Wealth Advisor
           210-868-0420                 iGenomeDx                                     512-649-8113
    “We help physician streamline   ( Gold Sponsor)                                          SERVICE@OAKWELLPWM.COM
    and maximize their reimburse-  Most trusted molecular testing   REAL ESTATE SERVICES
           “UPN is very proud of our 98%   ment by 30%.”        laboratory in San Antonio provid-  COMMERCIAL                         “More Than Just Your Advisor,
           customer retention rate”                             ing FAST, ACCURATE and COM-
                                                                PREHENSIVE                                                            We're Your Wealth Management
                                     Commercial & Medical Credit
                                                                precision diagnostics for Genetics                                    Partner”
           INVESTMENT ADVISORY       Services                   and Infectious Diseases.
           REAL ESTATE               (HH Silver Sponsor)        Dr. Niti Vanee Co-founder & CEO
                                     A bonded and fully insured San                       Alamo Capital Advisors LLC                  STAFFING SERVICES
                                     Antonio-based collection agency.   210-257-6973
                                                            (★★★★  10K Platinum Sponsor)
                                     Henry Miranda                                        Focused on sourcing, capitalizing,
                                     210-340-9515               Dr. Pramod Mishra Co-founder,   and executing investment and de-
                               COO & CSO
           Alamo Capital Advisors LLC                           210-381-3829              velopment opportunities for our in-
           (★★★★  10K Platinum Sponsor)     vestment partners and providing             Favorite Healthcare Staffing
           Focused on sourcing, capitalizing,   “Make us the solution for your   thoughtful solutions to our advisory   (HHHH 10K Platinum Sponsor)
           and executing investment and de-  account receivables.”   “My DNA My Medicine, Pharma-  clients. Current projects include   Serving the Texas healthcare commu-
           velopment opportunities for our in-                  cogenomics”               new developments, acquisitions &            nity since 1981, Favorite Healthcare

           vestment partners and providing   MEDICAL PAYMENT                              sales, lease representation and fi-         Staffing is proud to be the exclusive
           thoughtful solutions to our advisory   SYSTEMS/CARD    MORTGAGES               nancial restructuring (equity, debt,        provider of staffing services for the
           clients. Current projects include   PROCESSING                                 and partnership updates).                   BCMS. In addition to traditional
           new developments, acquisitions &                                               Jon Wiegand Principal                       staffing solutions, Favorite offers a
           sales, lease representation and fi-                                            210-241-2036                                comprehensive range of staffing
           nancial restructuring (equity, debt,                                                  services to help members improve
           and partnership updates).                            SWBC MORTGAGE - THE TOBER              cost control, increase efficiency and
           Jon Wiegand Principal     First Citizens Bank        TEAM                                                                  protect their revenue cycle.
           210-241-2036              (★★★ Gold Sponsor)         (HHH Gold Sponsor)        CARR Realty                                 Cindy M. Vidrine
     We’re a family bank — led for   SWBC for Personal and Practice:   (HH Silver Sponsor)       Director of Operations- Texas
      three generations by the same   Physician programs for wealth   CARR is a leading provider of   210-918-8737
                                     family-but first and foremost a re-  management and homebuying.   commercial real estate for tenants
                                     lationship bank. We get to know   For You Practice: HR administra-  and buyers. Our team of health-  “Favorite Healthcare Staffing offers
                                     you. We want to understand you   tion, payroll, employee benefits,   care real estate experts assist   preferred pricing for BCMS members.”
                                                                                          with start-ups, renewals, , reloca-
                                     and help you with your banking.    insurance, and exit strategies.
                                                                                          tions, additional offices, pur-

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