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SAN ANTONIO                                                                                                                                                                                                    SAN ANTONIO
             MEDICINE                                                                                                                                                                                                       MEDICINE
                                      continued from page 29

        Royal authorities. She tried to help the condi-  bed, leaving on only a few occasions. Never-  and ordered her to clean out the wards. Dr.   Protect and Grow Your Money
        tions of the poorer classes in London by or-  theless, she was honored by Queen Victoria   Barry died in London at the age of 70. When
        ganizing charity events.            for her efforts. She founded the first school of   being prepared for autopsy or burial, it was fi-
          In 1836, she went to Germany to study in  nursing in the United Kingdom and was in-  nally discovered that “he was a she.”   with Series I Savings Bonds
        the only nursing school in existence in Eu-  strumental in the introduction of the Red
        rope at that time, but found it inadequate  Cross in that country. Today we associate the   Elizabeth Blackwell, First  American
        and unsatisfactory, leaving after a few  honorable nursing profession to her name and   Woman Doctor                    By Brian T. Boswell, CFP®, QKA
        months. Then in 1854 came the Crimean  her powerful influence in English society for   A small upper New York College, Geneva,
        War, where England, France and Turkey  the benefit of patients.          had a medical school around 1854. New stu-               ne of the ripple effects of the pan-  bonds exist or don’t act upon this knowledge.
        fought against Russia. For England, the war                              dents were selected by the faculty and/or the   O        demic is that interest rates are   In fact, I-bonds only represent about 0.2% of
        brought only two good things: Lord Ten-  James Miranda Barry             administration for enrollment in the medical             currently lower than inflation,   the current total amount of U.S. government
        nyson’s “The Charge of the Light Brigade”   Yes, this is the same British officer who pres-  school.
                                                                                                                                 meaning traditional savings accounts might   bonds. Learn more about I-bonds to decide if
        epic poem, and the professional maturity of  sured Florence Nightingale to clean up the   One year, the student body requested the
                                                                                                                                 not be keeping up with inflation. Instead, the   this excellent, lesser-known long-term savings
        Florence Nightingale. For the English army,  wards at the Scutari Hospital in the Crimean   right to select the new admissions themselves.
                                                                                                                                 purchasing power of your savings can go down   solution is right for you.
        it brought nothing but disasters, pain and  War. But in reality, he was born Margaret Ann   As a concession, the faculty was allowed to se-
                                                                                                                                 over time. With interest rates so low, savings
        death due to the incompetence of its gener-  Bulkley in 1785 in Cork, Southern Ireland.   lect only one. The students thought it a joke                      How do I-bonds work?
                                                                                                                                 products such as nominal Treasuries, certifi-
        als. Their wounded were piled in a so-called  From an early age, she wanted to become a   and responded, selecting Elizabeth Blackwell,
                                                                                                                                 cates of deposit and money market accounts   You can purchase I-bonds at face value for
        hospital in Northern Turkey, where dirt, ver-  doctor but women were not admitted to med-  who had been rejected by all the medical
                                                                                                                                 often earn a negative interest over time.    a minimum of $25 and an annual maximum
        min and discharges were causing a 40% mor-  ical schools at that time. Excuses for the pro-  schools she had applied to. She entered their
                                                                                                                                  Protecting your financial security as a busy   of $10,000 per person from the Treasury. For
        tality rate among the wounded soldiers.   hibition were often off-the-wall and   freshman class. Geneva’s residents thought she
                                                                                                                                 physician is crucial and challenging. Series I   example, you could pay $100 for a $100 I-
          Florence Nightingale prevailed over the  outlandish. Some examples follow:   must be “mad or bad” and shunned her from
                                                                                                                                 savings bonds (I-bonds) are a low-risk product   bond, and if you have four people in your
        British War Minister because of her contacts   No decent girl should be exposed to a naked   all social gatherings in the homes of faculty
                                                                                                                                 that can help you protect your savings from in-  household, you could purchase up to $40,000
        through her family with the Prime Minister,  body, particularly of a male until her marriage,   members and other town notables. Neverthe-
                                                                                                                                 flation and earn a more attractive rate than   total in I-bonds per year. You can also purchase
        and she was allowed to go to Crimea to care  and then sometimes not even then. It was also   less, she graduated at the head of her class.
                                                                                                                                 you would through traditional savings ac-  multiple I-bonds in varying amounts up to the
        for the wounded. She recruited 38 gentle-  said that a woman was prone to “fainting spells,”   After graduation, she went to England to re-
                                                                                                                                 counts.                             annual maximum purchase threshold if you
        women to go with her for that purpose.  which was probably based on evidence given in   fine her skills and knowledge. After a year or
                                                                                                                                                                     want to cash your bonds at different times or
        Upon arrival, they proceeded to change  romantic novels or theatrical melodramas.    two she returned to New York City where,   What are I-bonds?            for different reasons. An additional $5,000 of
        bandages, prepare food and visit with the pa-  So, disguised as a boy, she went by the name   with another woman graduate, founded a
                                                                                                                                  The U.S. Treasury introduced I-bonds in   bonds can be purchased in paper form but
        tients. Her rounds at night with an oil lamp  of James Miranda Barry, and enrolled in the   clinic for the treatment of women and
                                                                                                                                 1998 as a safe way for Americans to get a   only through the proceedings of your federal
        in hand made the soldiers call her “The Lady  Medical School in Edinburgh. Graduating as   women’s medical problems. Incidentally, the
                                                                                                                                 meaningful return on their savings directly   income tax refund check.   missions. I-bonds are a great alternative to
        with the Lamp.” The sobriquet persisted for  a doctor, she joined the British Army and was   medical school in Paris began accepting
                                                                                                                                 from the government. Today, you can pur-  The minimum term of ownership for an I-  bank accounts, mutual funds and other bonds
        years to come.                      posted in different parts of the Empire. Serv-  women in 1865, but few, if any, applied until
                                                                                                                                 chase electronic I-bonds with a Treasury Di-  bond is one year, but the interest-earning pe-  and savings solutions.
          Unfortunately, the 40% mortality rate per-  ing in South Africa, she performed the first   years later. Yale and Harvard did not admit
                                                                                                                                 rect account or paper I-bonds with your IRS   riod lasts up to 30 years or until you cash
        sisted. This prompted a visit from James Mi-  Cesarean section in the continent where both   women to their medical schools until after
                                                                                                                                 tax refund. I-bonds are typically used to fi-  them, whichever comes first. If you cash your   *The information contained in this article
        randa Barry, the Assistant High Medical   mother and child survived. She became too   World War II, which ended in 1945.
                                                                                                                                 nance education or supplement retirement in-  I-bond before five years, you forfeit three   represents the opinion of Oakwell Private
        Inspector for the British Army. Mounted on   friendly with the governor in Cape Town, and   It is estimated that today, 50% of physi-
                                                                                                                                 come, but they are increasingly being utilized   months’ worth of interest as an early with-  Wealth Management and should not be con-
        a high horse, Florence was ordered to clean   the gossip in London was suspicious of a ho-  cians in the United Kingdom and in the
                                                                                                                                 as an inflation hedge.              drawal penalty.                     strued as personalized or individualized in-
        the place from dirt, excretions, and vermin   mosexual liaison. The governor, Lord Somer-  United States are women. To the best of our
                                                                                                                                  The current annual interest rate for I-bonds   Any interest earned on your I-bonds is tax-  vestment advice.
        and stop worrying about the bandages. At   set, was recalled to London and Dr. Barry was   knowledge, none of them suffer fainting
                                                                                                                                 is 7.12%, and if inflation continues to rise, the   deferred until the interest-earning period ends.
        first, she resisted, but Miranda Barry was un-  transferred to Jamaica, where she acquired a   spells and if they so wish, are able have the
                                                                                                                                 I-bond rate will go up accordingly. This built-  If you cash and use your I-bond to pay for   Brian T. Boswell, CFP®, QKA is a
        yielding and unimpressed about her family   loyal manservant who never knew her real   children they want.
                                                                                                                                 in protection against inflation rates means the   qualifying higher education expenses in the   Sr. Private Wealth Advisor and Part-
        connections. She obeyed and proceeded to   identity until her death.
                                                                                                                                 purchasing power of your savings is guaran-  same calendar year, the interest is also exempt   ner with Oakwell Private Wealth
        vigorous cleaning, helping drop the mortality   Dr. Barry was promoted to Assistant Chief   Jaime Pankowsky, MD, FACS is
                                                                                                                                 teed to stay the same and may potentially even   from federal taxes.    Management. Oakwell Private Wealth Man-
        rate to 15%.                        Medical Officer of the British army with a   retired and a life member of the
                                                                                                                                 increase over time.                   Since you purchase I-bonds directly from   agement is a Gold Circle of Friends sponsor.
          Upon returning to England, she suffered a   rank of brigadier general. In that position, she   Bexar County Medical Society.
                                                                                                                                  While I-bonds are not a new savings prod-  the government and not through a financial
        nervous breakdown and was confined to her   confronted Florence Nightingale in Scutari
                                                                                                                                 uct, many people either don’t know that I-  institution or advisor, there are no fees or com-

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