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that contribute to the struggle and inequalities faced by women entering
this historically male-dominated field. The hope is to continue to work
towards a better and more equitable health care environment through
which women physicians can better serve patients and the community.
The AMWA Chapter at UIWSOM
The UIWSOM chapter of AMWA strives to educate and empower
future women physicians and health professionals to reach their goals.
Through mentorship, community engagement, education, collabora-
tion and leadership, the women of AMWA strive to make a difference
in their community while furthering professional development. To-
gether, we continue to address and remedy the inequities in the medical
profession and inspire women in health care to realize their worth. UI-
WSOM’s AMWA chapter has created a community of empowered
women, empowering other women. As a group, we lift each other up,
listen to one another, inspire, educate and push each other to reach our
personal and collective goals. The chapter creates opportunities for
mentorship, scholarship and giving back to our community. The or-
ganization provides a space for women who are passionate about their
professional goals to belong.
Aiming for Professional Identity Development UT Health San Antonio students pictured left to right: Mahnoor Liaqat "Treasurer,"
Natasha Paul "Philanthropy co-chair," Sofia Russo "President," Anna Tomotaki "Vice pres-
The AMWA provides opportunities throughout the United States ident," Kelsey Kohler "Events Chair," Maryann England "Philanthropy co-chair." Not fea-
tured: Katerina Papanikolaou "Secretary."
for women to enhance their professional identities, advocate for equity
and improve the overall quality of care. AMWA national members have
access to multiple programs to help reach these goals. One of the most The AMWA Chapter at the UT Health Long School
vital programs AMWA provides is the AMWA LEADS Leadership of Medicine
Development program. This program educates, empowers and encour- As an integral part of the UT Health Long School of Medicine com-
ages advancement of women in health care through leadership and pro- munity for over 20 years, AMWA aims to bring together medical stu-
fessional growth. As women in health care, AMWA recognizes that we dents and physicians for a variety of professional and mentorship
are already leaders, but encourages us to find our voices and claim the opportunities, volunteer experiences and fellowship. Medical students
roles we deserve. are welcomed as part of the organization as soon as they begin their
AMWA IGNITE has proven to be a valuable resource for current first year with the hope of providing a support network and community
female medical students. This program provides frequent live lectures immediately upon starting their journey in medicine.
that are designed specifically for this demographic by female physicians Addressing the Mentor Gap is a key tenet of the chapter. One of the
across the country. As members at UIWSOM, we have access to the main initiatives is the AMWA Mentorship Program, in which MS1s and
entire IGNITE lecture series library featuring dozens of lectures cov- MS2s are paired together in an effort to provide them both with mean-
ering some of the most important topics in health care today, such as ingful connections and resources to advance their personal and profes-
reproductive life planning, gender bias and equity, mental health, re- sional goals. Additionally, the Mentor & MenTEA event is a favorite
silience and infertility among physicians. This lecture series addresses among both students and faculty. First and second year medical students
issues we, as future female physicians, could face. These issues of con- are given the opportunity to hear from a panel of esteemed women in
cern to female medical students are not usually addressed in medical medicine on a variety of important topics, including how to navigate ac-
school lectures. After watching multiple live lectures through this pro- ademic medicine versus private practice, maintain work-life balance and
gram, we feel more equipped to navigate the world of health care as fe- manage stressors while also having a successful career. This is a great op-
male physicians. If you are a female medical student, you should portunity to network, meet potential mentors and get advice/guidance
discover the benefits the IGNITE program has to offer. from female physicians in the community while sipping on some tea!
continued on page 30
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