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        The Float                            most revealing a doubling of profits in 2020   References
          According to Warren Buffet, “The Float” is   compared to 2019. Meanwhile, premiums   1 “A Brief History of Medical Coding” by Ben
                                                                                   Castleberry 5/11/16 Aviacode
        the money the insurance company gets to   have increased 57% since 2009. United   2 “How to Fight Back When An Insurer Denies
        hold onto between the time patients pay pre-  Healthcare reported a Medical Loss Ratio   Your Claim” 1/17/17 McKennon Law Group
                                                                                   California Insurance and Life, Health, Disabil-
        miums and the time the insurer must pay out   (their phrase for The Float) of 70.2%, ac-
                                                                                   ity Blog
        claims on their policies.  Insurers receive pre-  counting for record profits in 2020 during the   3 “Six Ways to Avoid Having a Healthcare Claim
        miums up front and pay claims much later,   pandemic.  There is no dominant entity to   Denied” by Orly Avitzur MD Consumer Re-
                                                                                   ports 12/14
        leaving large sums to be invested. If premium   set administrative standards because the U.S.   4 “Transparency in Coverage for 2020 Plan Year”
        income exceeds the total of expenses and   health care system is so fragmented. Mean-  1/20/21 by Karen Pollitz and David McDer-
                                                                                   mott Kaiser Family Foundation
        eventual losses, the insurer registers an under-  while, insurers run amok, minimally regu-
                                                                                 5 Sandy Praeger Kansas Insurance Commissioner
        writing profit that adds dramatically to the in-  lated, collecting overwhelming profits at the   2003-2015 LA Times 1/17/17
        vestment income produced by The Float.    expense of physicians, hospitals and patients.   6 “How Insurers Deny Legitimate Claims” McKen-
                                                                                   non Law Group PC California Insurance Liti-
        High volume denials based on idiosyncratic   This dishonorable behavior has long been   gation Blog
        edits, made-up rules and contrived audits are   characteristic of the health insurance industry,   7”Software Helps Insurers Profit From Denials” by
                                                                                   David   Rosenfeld  6/14/17  Pacific
        commonplace. The rationale for insurance   and the likelihood is great that these deceitful
        companies to not pay claims is obvious.   practices will continue indefinitely.    8 “Warren Buffet Explains the Genius of the Float”
                                                                                   by Jacob Goldstein 3/1/20 Texas Public Radio
        Conclusion                                   Neal S. Meritz, MD is a retired   9 “Are Healthy Care Companies Profiting From
          Many in the U.S. are struggling as a result   Family Practice physician and a   The Float?” By Milt Treudenheim 4/17/97 The
                                                                                   New York Times
        of the pandemic, but health insurance com-  member of the BCMS Publications
                                                                                 10 “Transparency in Coverage for 2020 Plan Year”
        panies are thriving. Multibillion dollar profits   Committee.              Kaiser Family Foundation 1/20/21
        are reported by all the large insurers, with

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