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          At the time, a typical day’s meals contained   the butcher’s floor. The meatpackers’ fight to   David Schulz is a community
        overly ample amounts of borax, alum, salicylic   keep it from publication is a turning point in   member of the BCMS Publications
        acid (not acetylsalicylic), sodium sulfite, coal-  the struggle. They focused on accusations of   Committee.
        tar-dyes, benzoic acid, saltpeter, sulfuric acid,   “fake news,” threatening to sue publishers.
        formaldehyde, copper, methyl alcohol and bo-  Doubleday and the Chicago Tribune
                                                                                   “I WONDER WHAT’S IN IT”
        racic acid.  More than forty doses of unregu-  launched their own investigation, much to the
                                                                                   We sit at a table delightfully spread
        lated chemicals and dyes would be consumed   meatpackers chagrin: it showed the book was   And teeming with good things to eat.
        in a day.                           understatement. “Both men returned dis-  And daintily finger the cream-tinted bread,
          No food was untainted: “Dairymen, espe-  gusted and horrified by what they’d seen.”   Just needing to make it complete
                                                                                   A film of the butter so yellow and sweet,
        cially those serving crowded American cities   The case for regulation is also seen as a drive
                                                                                   Well suited to make every minute
        in the nineteenth century, learned that there   to limit freedoms, an immensely powerful ar-  A dream of delight. And yet while we eat
        were profits to be made by skimming and wa-  gument. It took an equally powerful organiza-  We cannot help asking, “What’s in it?”
        tering down their product. The standard   tion and unlikely hero to assure the passage of
                                                                                   Oh, maybe this bread contains alum or
        recipe was a pint of lukewarm water to every   the 1906 Pure Food and Drug Act, also
        quart of milk—after the cream had been   known as “Wiley’s Law” – the American   Or sawdust chopped up very fine
        skimmed off. To improve the bluish look of   Medical Association (AMA).     Or gypsum in powder about which they
        the remaining liquid, milk producers learned   The AMA was determinedly nonpolitical
                                                                                   Terra alba just out of the mine.
        to add whitening agents such as plaster of Paris   and less interested in food safety than in the   And our faith in the butter is apt to be weak,
        or chalk. Sometimes they added a dollop of   problem of snake-oil medicines, but the two   For we haven’t a good place to pin it
        molasses to give the liquid a more golden,   issues were bonded together in the law which   Annato’s so yellow and beef fat so sleek
                                                                                   Oh, I wish I could know what is in it.
        creamy color. To mimic the expected layer of   was bottled in committee. The AMA threat-

        cream on top, they might also add a final   ened Finance Committee-chair Senator Nel-  The pepper perhaps contains cocoanut
        squirt of something yellowish, occasionally   son Aldrich to rally all 135,000 physicians in   shells,
        pureed calf brains.”                the country, “including all of those located in   And the mustard is cottonseed meal;
                                                                                   And the coffee, in sooth, of baked chicory
          “Flour” was routinely extended with   the senator’s home state, to get the bill passed.
        crushed stone or gypsum. Brown sugar con-  The doctors would, if need be, contact every   And the terrapin tastes like roast veal.
        tained ground insects. “Coffee” was anything   patient, county by county.”     The wine which you drink never heard of a
        but: More than 80-percent of ground coffee   In the end, it was by virtue of President
                                                                                   But of tannin and coal tar is made;
        tested was adulterated. “One sample con-  Theodore Roosevelt’s Rough Rider experience   And you could not be certain, except for
        tained no coffee at all.”           in Cuba that he politically championed Chief   their shape,
          Wiley’s team also found that processors had   Chemist Wiley and his team of “taste testers,”   That the eggs by a chicken were laid.
                                                                                   And the salad which bears such an innocent
        devised a way to make coffee-free “beans” by   AKA, the Poison Squad. We can read labels of
        pressing a mixture of flour, molasses, and oc-  ingredients with some assurance today in large   And whispers of fields that are green
        casionally dirt and sawdust into molds.  Coun-  part because of Teddy’s Bully Pulpit and his   Is covered with germs, each armed with a
        terfeit foods were a major concern in the spice   belief that Americans deserved honest food.   hook
                                                                                   To grapple with liver and spleen.
        industry, where a ground product may hide a   But times change, and rules must adapt: A
                                                                                   The banquet how fine, don’t begin it
        high-proportion of adulterant. “One New   year after the book’s publication, standards for   Till you think of the past and the future and
        York firm—a purveyor of pepper, mustard,   labeling “organic” were finally established.     sigh,
                                                                                   “How I wonder, I wonder, what’s in it.”
        cloves, cinnamon, cassia, allspice, nutmeg, gin-

        ger, and mace—purchased five thousand   * All quotes from. The Poison Squad – One   HARVEY WASHINGTON WILEY, 1899
        pounds of coconut shells a year for grinding   Chemist’s Single-Minded Crusade for Food
        and adding to every spice on that list.”   Safety at the Turn of the Twentieth Century, by   Read aloud by the author to Congress at
                                                                                   hearings on the Pure Food and Drug Act
          America is synonymous with ample meat   Deborah Blum, Penguin Publishing Group,
                                                                                   Blum, Deborah. The Poison Squad (pp. xi-xii).
        supplies, but Upton Sinclair’s “The Jungle”   2018, Kindle Edition.        Penguin Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.
        dispelled any belief in hygiene or sanitation on

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