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                                       Controlled Substance

                        Electronic Prescribing Requirement

          Effective January 1, 2021, Texas Health and Safety Code,   A physician may apply for a waiver from the electronic
        §§481.0755 requires that prescriptions for controlled substances to be   prescribing requirement by:
        issued electronically, except in limited circumstances, or unless a waiver   •  submitting a waiver request to the TMB and providing required in-
        has been granted by the appropriate agency.              formation, and
          A prescription for a controlled substance is not required to be issued   •  demonstrating circumstances necessitating a waiver from the re-
        electronically and may be issued in writing if the prescription is issued:   quirement, including
        •  by a veterinarian;                                       Economic Hardship, including:
        •  in circumstances in which electronic prescribing is not available due   ▪ any special situational factors affecting either the cost of com-
          to temporary technological or electronic failure, as prescribed by   pliance or ability to comply;
          board rule;                                             ▪ the likely impact of compliance on profitability or viability; and
        •  by a practitioner to be dispensed by a pharmacy located outside this   ▪ the availability of measures that would mitigate the economic
          state, as prescribed by board rule;                       impact of compliance; 
        •  when the prescriber and dispenser are in the same location or under       o technological limitations not reasonably within the control
          the same license;                                         of the physician; or 
        •  in circumstances in which necessary elements are not supported by       o other exceptional circumstances.
          the most recently implemented national data standard that facili-
          tates electronic prescribing;                         Request a waiver
        •  for a drug for which the United States Food and Drug Administra-  The Electronic Prescribing Waiver form is available for submission
          tion requires additional information in the prescription that is not   through your MyTMB account.
          possible with electronic prescribing;                •  Verification of an approved waiver will be displayed on the physician
        •  for a non-patient-specific prescription pursuant to a standing order,   profile once granted. 
          approved protocol for drug therapy, collaborative drug manage-  •  Once approved, waivers will be issued for a period of one year. 
          ment, or comprehensive medication management, in response to a   •  Physicians may apply for a subsequent waiver no more than 30 days
          public health emergency or in other circumstances in which the   before an active waiver expires.
          practitioner may issue a non-patient-specific prescription;
        •  for a drug under a research protocol;                 Please contact if you have any ques-
        •  by a practitioner who has received a waiver from the requirement   tions or need assistance.
          to use electronic prescribing;
        •  under circumstances in which the practitioner has the present abil-
          ity to submit an electronic prescription but reasonably determines
          that it would be impractical for the patient to obtain the drugs pre-
          scribed under the electronic prescription in a timely manner and
          that a delay would adversely impact the patient's medical condition;
          or before January 1, 2021.


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