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87TH LEGISLATIVE                                                                                                                                                                                                      87TH LEGISLATIVE
          SESSION                                                                                                                                                                                                               SESSION

        “Sin” Taxes on Tobacco Should

        Match State Expenditure                                                                                                  Table Two.
                                                                                                                                 2019 Cigarette and Tobacco Taxes vs Costs in Texas

        By John J. Seidenfeld, MD

                                                                                                                                   The Texas Public Health Coalition (TPHC), made up of thirty-
                                                                                                                                 one health care organizations in the state including the Texas Medical
                                                                                                                                 Association and BCMS, is in favor of 1) banning all characterizing
                                                                                                                                 flavors including menthol in E-cigarettes, which younger users favor,
                                                                                                                                 2) increasing taxes on conventional cigarettes as well as imposing an

                                                                                                                                 excise tax on E-cigarettes, and 3) strengthening enforcement measures
          We are aware of the terrible toll of disease, disability, and death from                                                        4
                                                                                                                                 on retailers.
        the use, combustion, and inhalation of tobacco and byproducts such
                                                                                                                                   What is the broader purpose of raising funds through excise, Pigou-
        as nicotine and countless hydrocarbons. Illnesses caused include ath-                                                       5
                                                                                                                                 vian,  and sales taxes on tobacco and related products? Our duty as
        erosclerosis affecting all organs, not the least of which the heart and
                                                                                                                                 health care professionals is to help prioritize recommendations to pol-
        brain; chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases; and cancers of many
                                                                 How do we deter-                                                icy proponents such as the TPHC, lobbyists, and legislators.
        organs in addition to the lungs and oral cavity.  Recently, vaping of to-
                                                               mine taxes for the
        bacco products has added to the disease burden which many predict
                                                               significant expen-
        will be equal or worse than that caused by cigarettes. In Texas there                                                    The major areas to support are:
                                                               ditures that smok-
        are some three million cigarette and vape users.                                                                         • Prevention of tobacco product use disorders, helping youth make
                                                               ers incur? Texas
          The societal and budgetary costs attributable to smoking are high.                                                       sound healthy judgements, and immunizing to prevent further in-
                                                               taxes cigarettes, ac-
        The costs show a significant state shortfall in terms of work missed,                                                      fections of the lungs and affected organs
                                                               cording to the comptroller, $1.41/package as excise tax and $0.34 as
        healthcare costs and opportunity costs. The individual costs over a life-
                                                               sales tax. Vape products have no current excise tax and only sales tax.   • Education of health care students and workers, counselors,
        time and per year for Texas smokers are shown in Table One.  It will                                                       and youth
                                                               In addition, the Federal government adds $1-2 depending on the size
        be a few decades before we have data for vaping, but many pulmonolo-
                                                               of the cigarettes. On average, a package of cigarettes costs $5.78 in
        gists predict similar adverse effects over time.            3                                                            • Enforcement of tobacco use, vaping, age limitations, and
                                                               Texas.  In Australia, the cost of a pack of cigarettes is $27 USD and in   tax regulations
                                                               Mexico $3 USD. Texas legislators voted down an attempt to add an
        Table One.                                                                                                               • Research into use disorders and tobacco related health
                                                               excise tax for vaping in 2019, and as of today these products still are
        Societal Costs Related to Smoking in Texas and State Rank                                                                  consequences
                                                               not assessed an excise tax. Overall, tobacco use costs over 90 times the
                                                                                               amount that we tax on             • Treatment of tobacco and vaping related disorders

                                                                                               smoking in Texas (Table
                                                                                               2), adding to the yearly            Prudent citizens and health care professionals advise and advocate   References and links
                                                                                               subsidy we get from big           for a) additional taxes as compensation for the state’s expenditures on   1)
                                                                                               tobacco after the lawsuit at      the costs of tobacco and vape use and abuse, b) protection of youth   2)
                                                                                               the end of the last decade,       from marketing directed actions that lead to a lifetime of tobacco or   state/9520
                                                                                               and we still have a huge          nicotine use disorder, and c) leaders who are guided by fiscal and sci-  3)
                                                                                               shortfall.                        entific guidelines in future taxation legislation.     190904-sales-tax.php
        *Data from 2020, US dollars, from CDC and US Bureau of Statistics
        ** Lowest numeric rank means lower income, lower opportunity cost, and lower health                                               John J. Seidenfeld, MD is the Chair of the BCMS Publica-  4)
        care spending by Medicare and Medicaid                                                                                          tions Committee.                                 5)

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