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                                                                                     EVALUATION & GRADUATION

        neering to my medical degree. I did this because I wanted to help pa-  This was her response:
        tients navigate their illness but also believed that science generates the   “Throughout college, I seriously considered a few different career
        map which makes that navigation possible.”             choices – marine biologist, teacher, art historian, social worker, the
          Our second child, Emily, graduated from Massachusetts Institute   list goes on. I saw the tireless hours that you and mom spent working
        of Technology (MIT) with a degree in Neurocognitive Studies and   and was firm about not pursuing medicine because of it. Similar to
        then spent the next three years doing medical research at UTHSC,   Emily, it wasn’t until I stopped thinking of practicing medicine as a
        San Antonio. She is presently at Johns Hopkins completing her second   job and began thinking about it more as a lifestyle that I seriously
        year as a medical resident and is pursing a Rheumatology Fellowship   considered it. As I grew up, I remember countless conversations about
        program. The following is her response:                different projects and patient cases that you both were working on
          “It’s honestly hard to remember exactly what happened, or when   and I’d be lying if I said that your passion and excitement were not
        the lightbulb that told me, ‘this is what                                     contagious. Ultimately, as I reflected
        I want to do,’ went off in my head, since                                     upon my own experiences, I realized
        I had spent so much time fighting the                                         that becoming a physician would pro-
        idea. I didn’t like the hours I saw, and I                                    vide me the opportunity to marry
        didn’t want to feel torn between work                                         many of my passions: science, teach-
        and home. But, honestly, as soon as I                                         ing, advocating, serving my commu-
        stopped thinking of being a physician as                                      nity (specifically our tiniest members)
        ‘having a job,’ and started thinking                                          and learning. 
        about it as part of a lifestyle, I eventually                                  Side note: I also remember multiple
        just realized that I couldn’t see myself                                      warnings from you both to not go into
        doing anything else. My initial plans of                                      medicine unless I was 100% sure – I
        being a teacher are fulfilled (with stu-                                      still appreciate not being pushed into
        dents, interns and patients), my curios-                                      this field because it is demanding (but
        ity on the human body, mind and       As soon as I stopped                    also extremely rewarding and fun). I
        condition is never satiated, and the re-  “                                   joked multiple times with my inter-
        lationships and compassion I choose to   thinking of being                    viewers who asked about whether or
        have for my fellow beings is essential,   a physician as                      not you and mom played a role in my
        not only for the sake of my patients and                                      decision to become a doctor that the
        their families, but also for myself and   ‘having a job,’ and                 best way to get your kids to go into
        my team. From an ideological perspec-  started thinking about it              medicine is to tell them NOT to go
        tive, the traits of what I would consider   as part of a lifestyle,           into medicine. I told them it worked 3
        a great physician – compassionate, lis-                                       out of 3 times.”
        tener, humble, analytical, good commu-  I eventually just realized             From my perspective, the message is
        nicator and teacher – are all traits that   that I couldn’t see myself        clear: if the parents love what they do
        I aspire to, although I know I can fall                             “         as physicians, their children will likely
        short. Plus, seeing how fulfilling you   doing anything else.                 consider pursuing the same, if not a
        both found your work, and [after more                                         similar career.
        exposure to the field outside of home]                                         I’d like to thank the Publications
        understanding how meaningful the work truly is, ultimately helped   Committee for asking me to write this article and mostly would like
        guide that decision. Regardless, I’m sure it was many things that led   thank our children for writing the bulk of it.
        each of us down this path, though I also would favor believing that if
        you (parents) didn’t like your job, we probably wouldn’t either.”    Rodolfo “Rudy” Molina MD, MACR, FACP is a Practicing
          Sarah, our youngest and a proud Aggie, is graduating this year   Rheumatologist and the 2021 President of the Bexar County
        from UT Health San Antonio Long School of Medicine and will   Medical Society.
        be entering a Pediatric residency at Baylor College of Medicine.

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