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                                                                                     EVALUATION & GRADUATION

        training in PPE, modification of rotations   ment, collaboration and well-being. Clinical   will only become apparent over time. Our
        while still providing sufficient experiences,   students continue to rotate, albeit on short-  current medical student colleagues will have
        monitoring systems for symptoms and expo-  ened clerkships this year. Residency inter-  an experience like no other generation of
        sures among students and free-flowing lines   views were only held across screens, and we   physicians. Because of their unique position
        of communication among the stakeholders.   provided our students with campus “office   during the pandemic, they will gain perspec-
        We further benefitted from a robust commu-  space” and equipment to ensure technical   tive and wisdom from this time that might
        nity response to COVID-19 that kept our   glitches (or barking dogs) didn’t diminish   differ from ours, but is no less relevant. Our
        first-wave case numbers manageable by our   their interview experience or the impression   job as medical educators is to teach and sup-
        hospital systems.                    they were making. Again, it is the resilience   port them now, honor their experience of the
          The current academic year finds us at a   and creativity of our staff, faculty, clinical   past year and continue to model what it
        new-found steady state, seamlessly delivering   partners and the students themselves that   means to uphold our physician’s oath and
        classroom content virtually to both first- and   have cleared a path for us to continue to ed-  commitment to patients.
        second-year students, who continue to learn   ucate medical students despite the challenges
        and engage enthusiastically despite the chal-  and dangers.                       Deborah Conway, MD is the Vice
        lenges and isolating circumstances. It is cer-  The COVID-19 wave is, hopefully, reced-  Dean for Undergraduate Medical
        tainly not our preferred way of teaching,   ing, and we will never be the same. It has   Education at the Joe R. and Teresa
        because much of our curriculum, like medi-  changed the medical education landscape in   Lozano Long School of Medicine at UT
        cine itself, is designed to foster collaborative   ways we can see right now – such as acceler-  Health San Antonio. She is a board-certified
        learning and work. Nonetheless, we are dis-  ating the decision to eliminate USMLE Step   OB-Gyn and Maternal-Fetal Medicine spe-
        covering new ways to blend technology into   2 CS (Clinical Skills) as part of the medical   cialist who trained and has practiced in San
        learning in order to enhance student engage-  licensing pathway – and surely in ways that   Antonio for more than 20 years.

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