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        Artistic Expression in Medicine

        By Oliver H. Johnson, MD

          I started seriously taking photographs 12
        years ago when a friend had booked a ten-
        day workshop in Italy with a professional
        photographer and couldn’t use it. He offered
        the slot to my wife and me, and it seemed
        like the perfect learning vacation. There were
        ten mostly professional photographers and
        myself as students on the tour. I was able to
        watch and learn how pros do it in the beau-
        tiful landscapes of Tuscany. I learned much
        on that and many other workshops includ-
        ing ones in France, Sicily, England and Cuba
        as well as Death Valley, Washington’s
        Palouse, the Oregon coast and most recently
        Acadia National Forest in Maine two weeks
        ago. COVID-19 and retirement in 2020
        gave me much time at home to hone my
        post-processing skills with online tutorials in
        Photoshop and Lightroom from nationally
        known tutors. My photographic journey is                                      Castle Grotti Sunrise, Tuscany, Italy, 2018
        ongoing, and I now strive to create the 'com-
        pelling frame,’ attempting to always capture
        and convey the feeling I had when observing
        the scene, more than just a well-exposed,
        sharp image. Scotland and the northwest
        coast are my next immediate destinations.
        I’m constantly striving to see with the pho-
        tographer’s eye. 
          The Bexar County Medical Society would
        like to thank Dr. Johnson for his work pro-
        ducing the February and July 2021 magazine
        cover photos of San Antonio Medicine fea-                                   Abbey Sebanc Lavender, South France, 2014
        turing Dr. Rodolfo “Rudy” Molina, 2021
        BCMS President and Melody Newsom,
        CEO. Displayed are a selection of his most
        prominent photographs.

                  Oliver H. Johnson, MD is the
                Chair of the Physician Health &
                Rehabilitation Committee and is a
        member of the Bexar County Medical Society.

                                             Jessup Path, Acadia National Forest, 2021      Thor’s Well Oregon Coast, 2018

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