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        Oath by Webex was only the beginning of an  demic, from her second week in the hospital,   But the holiday’s grandiose messages suddenly
        altered reality.                    when a patient showed up wheezing and fever-  felt more real. Resilience, survival, sacrifice—
          Regardless of their chosen specialties, these   ish. “He was whisked away by doctors in full   none of these was theoretical anymore.
        residents would support the internal medicine   protective gear. Everybody on Iris’s floor   Passover had all sorts of obvious parallels to
        units. Sam reported for assignment at Bellevue   started whispering about whether that patient   their new reality. They were celebrating liber-
        Hospital on April 13. New York State would   had the novel disease.”     ation in a time of real-life plague.”
        lose 778 more patients by the time he started   In March, travel from Europe to the United   Through these young eyes, it becomes obvi-
        his first shift in the morning. For a young gay   States was suspended, and Iris made it back   ous that in the hasty rush toward their future,
        man in Greenwich Village, comparisons to the   home just under the wire. But she barely be-  preparation for dealing with a “real-life
        HIV crisis were inevitable, particularly when   lieved what she saw on arriving. She left a Paris   plague” showed both strengths and weak-
        living on blocks where entire populations had   of hand sanitizers, Clorox wipes and face cov-  nesses.  One student initially wanting ER res-
        vanished in the ’80s.               erings and landed in a high-risk New York air-  idency discovered the value of longer-term
          Mindful of this, “Sam would develop an   port. “There were points of possible   patient relationships. Another finds his best
        elaborate routine to douse himself in sanitizer   transmission all around her: hands brushing   purpose in the cardiac telemetry unit. But de-
        and try to prevent any possibility of taking the   at baggage claim, children sprawled on the   spite a love for the technical aspects of health
        virus home.” Face masking and hand scrub-  linoleum ground, carts slung from passenger   care, “he sensed there wasn’t anything that
        bing were the new normal in this era.    to passenger. She knew she was on the   could have properly prepared him for the
          Dr. Gabriela, from Massachusetts, also at-  precipice of a historical moment.”   telemetry floor during the pandemic.
        tended NYU. Her story is emblematic of the   Dr. Jay finds a sense of mission and duty in

        heartache of separation from loved ones in the   the crisis. Choosing to graduate early, her
                                                                                  “Every morning their hospital was
        middle of a health crisis, made more poignant   mentor advised that “it would be a learning
                                                                                 seeing five, six, seven codes. Before the
        by struggling to deal with death on a daily and   opportunity…given the scale of this pandemic,
                                                                                 pandemic, they would have seen five
        hourly basis. This newly-minted doctor of   Jay would likely have to care for COVID pa-
                                                                                 or so codes a week; at the COVID
        Hispanic heritage was determined to become   tients at some point, so it was better to start
        a pediatrician and a role model. Instead, she   early.” But families weren’t so sanguine, and  peak they hit thirty per day.”
        was propelled into hospice-like situations,   her mother emailed concerns to Jay’s friends

        where palliative care was the norm. Life in   about her first day in the hospital:
                                                                                  It will be a long time before lessons from the
        New York quickly became more arduous: just   “As per an executive order signed by Gover-
                                                                                 pandemic are validated and incorporated into
        going out to a neighborhood store called for   nor Andrew Cuomo, Jay will graduate early
                                                                                 medical schools. Perhaps its effects will be as
        face coverings and gloves like a covert mission.   today from medical school and accelerate her
                                                                                 striking as those following the Flexner Report,
          “But this was what the pandemic had done:   entry into the medical workforce due to the
                                                                                 emphasizing even greater clinical experience.
        turned the mundane into some cross between   COVID-19 crisis.
                                                                                 Regardless, the effect on this particular class
        heroism and paranoia,” even before sponta-  It was supposed to be different.
                                                                                 of doctors is profound, and Emma Goldberg’s
        neous cheering sections formed for health care   I was supposed to have the incredible honor
                                                                                 reportage provides a snapshot not only of their
        frontline workers coming and going.      of hooding her on the stage of Lincoln Center.
                                                                                 preparedness to deal with the crisis, but the
          Dr. Iris attended the Einstein College of   I was not supposed to feel as if I’m sending
                                                                                 raw courage, determination and sense of duty
        Medicine, a research-intensive medical school   her off to war.”
                                                                                 in which today’s students face with unknown
        located in the Bronx, part of the integrated   Dr. Elana, also graduating Einstein School,
                                                                                 travail. Kairotic times, indeed.
        Montefiore Health System. She had left in   found her new role at odds with Orthodox Ju-
                                                                                  All quotes from “Life on the Line: Young
        February for a study-abroad program, com-  daism. She had to fit ancient prayers into new
                                                                                 Doctors Come of Age in a Pandemic” by
        pleting her rotation at a hospital in Paris. She   applications to fulfill her duty to God, as well
                                                                                 Emma Goldberg, Harper © 2021.
        “didn’t know of reports that would suggest   as her patients. Yet she also found resonance:

        that the first coronavirus patient in France, a   “Later that week was Passover. It was her first
                                                                                          David Alex Schulz, CHP is a
        coughing fishmonger, had actually turned up   time celebrating far from family; she was only
                                                                                        community member of the BCMS
        in a Paris hospital on December 27.”    comfortable seeing them outside when she
                                                                                        Publications Committee.
          Dr. Iris portrays the global nature of the epi-  dropped off groceries, not indoors for a meal.
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