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                                     MEDICAL BILLING AND        Certified, Experienced and   ing FAST, ACCURATE and COM-              propel the healthcare and bio-  Gay Ryan
                                     COLLECTIONS SERVICES       Friendly!                 PREHENSIVE                                  science industry in San Antonio.    Property Manager                   Join our
                                                                Alicia Smith, Administrator   precision diagnostics for Genetics      Industry, academia, military, non-  210-559-3013
           The Bank of San Antonio                              210-227-1460              and Infectious Diseases.                    profit, R&D, healthcare delivery,
           Insurance Group, Inc.                              Dr. Niti Vanee Co-founder & CEO             professional services and more!  Circle of Friends
           (HHH Gold Sponsor)                                   David Lloyd Goff, President   210-257-6973                            President, Kevin Barber   8498-Fredericksburg-Rd-San-
           We specialize in insurance and                       210-227-1460                            210-308-7907 (Direct)       Antonio-TX/18152745/                       Program
           banking products for physician   Medical Financial Group   Dr. Pramod Mishra Co-founder,    
           groups and individual physicians.   (★★★ Gold Sponsor)       COO & CSO                                   Valerie Rogler, Program Coordinator
           Our local insurance professionals   Healthcare & Financial Profession-  Keeping our clients safe and in-  210-381-3829     210-904-5404              STAFFING SERVICES
           are some of the few agents in the   als providing core solutions to   formed since 1979. 
           state who specialize in medical    Physicians from one proven                                                                The sooner you start, the sooner
           malpractice and all lines of insur-  source. CEO is Jesse Gonzales,   MEDICAL SUPPLIES AND   “My DNA My Medicine, Pharma-  “Where San Antonio’s Healthcare                            you can engage with our 5700 plus
           ance for the medical community.    CPA, MBA Controller & past CFO   EQUIPMENT   cogenomics”                                Leaders Meet”
           Katy Brooks, CIC          of (2) Fortune 500 companies,                                                                                              Favorite Healthcare Staffing          membership in Bexar and
           210-807-5593              Past Board President of Commu-                                                                                             (HHHH 10K Platinum Sponsor)            all contiguous counties.
    nicare Health Systems.                         MORTGAGES                                   San Antonio Group Managers   Serving the Texas healthcare commu-
        Jesse Gonzales, CEO CPA, MBA                                                                     (SAMGMA)                  nity since 1981, Favorite Healthcare   For questions regarding Circle of Friends
           “Serving the medical community.”   210.846.9415                                                                            (HH Silver Sponsor)       Staffing is proud to be the exclusive   Sponsorship, please contact:
                              CSI Health                                                         SAMGMA is a professional non-  provider of staffing services for the
           MedPro Group              Linda Noltemeier-Jones Director   (HHH Gold Sponsor)                                             profit association with a mission   BCMS. In addition to traditional
           (HH Silver Sponsor)       of Operations              CSI Health is a telehealth technol-                                   to provide educational programs   staffing solutions, Favorite offers a   Development Director,
           Rated A++ by A.M. Best, MedPro   210.557.9044        ogy company providing cus-  SWBC MORTGAGE - THE TOBER                 and networking opportunities to   comprehensive range of staffing    August Trevino
           Group has been offering customized              tomized solutions to healthcare   TEAM           medical practice managers and   services to help members improve
           insurance, claims and risk solutions to   professionals, assisted-living facili-  (HHH Gold Sponsor)   support charitable fundraising.   cost control, increase efficiency and
           the healthcare community since   “Let’s start with Free Evaluation   ties, and more. CSI was founded in   SWBC for Personal and Practice:   Tom Tidwell, President   protect their revenue cycle.   or  210-301-4366
           1899. Visit MedPro to learn more.    and Consultation from our Team   1978, it was one of the first com-  Physician programs for wealth   Cindy M. Vidrine
           Kirsten Baze              of Professionals”          panies to move medical testing in-  management and homebuying.            Director of Operations- Texas
           512-658-0262                                         formation from self-service kiosks   For You Practice: HR administra-                           210-918-8737
                               into the cloud.           tion, payroll, employee benefits,                           
                                        Brad Bowen                insurance, and exit strategies.             REAL ESTATE SERVICES      “Favorite Healthcare Staffing offers
                                                                President, CEO            SWBC’s services supporting Physi-           COMMERCIAL                preferred pricing for BCMS members.”
           ProAssurance                                         210-434-2713              cians and the Medical Society.
           (HH Silver Sponsor)       PCS Revenue Cycle Management   Jon Tober                        CARR Healthcare
           ProAssurance professional liability   (HHH Gold Sponsor)   Katherine Biggs McDonald    Sr. Loan Officer                    (HH Silver Sponsor)       TELEHEALTH TECHNOLOGY
           insurance defends healthcare   We are a HIPAA compliant full-  Brand Development Manager   Office: 210-317-7431            CARR is a leading provider of
           providers facing malpractice   service medical billing company   210-434-2713   NMLS# 212945                               commercial real estate for tenants
           claims and provides fair treatment   specializing in medical billing, cre-  katherine@computerizedscreen-    and buyers. Our team of health-
           for our insureds. ProAssurance   dentialing, and consulting to                care real estate experts assist
           Group is A.M. Best A+ (Superior).   physicians and mid-level   Bobby Langenbahn   /jon-tober                               with start-ups, renewals, , reloca-
           Delano McGregor           providers in private practice.   National Sales Manager                                          tions, additional offices, pur-  CSI Health
           Senior Market Manager     Deion Whorton Sr.          210-363-1513                                                          chases and practice transitions.   (HHH Gold Sponsor)
           800.282.6242 ext 367343   CEO/Founder         PRACTICE SUPPORT                    Brad Wilson Agent         CSI Health is a telehealth technol-
           DelanoMcGregor@ProAssur-  210-937-4089              SERVICES                                    201-573-6146              ogy company providing cus-
                Extend the Reach of Healthcare.                                    tomized solutions to healthcare
           Elevate the Level of Remote Care.                                     Jeremy Burroughs Agent    professionals, assisted-living facili-
                                     “We help physician streamline   Enhance the Patient Experience.                                  405.410.8923              ties, and more. CSI was founded in
                                     and maximize their reimburse-                                                             1978, it was one of the first com-
           INTERNET                  ment by 30%.”              Henry Schein Medical                                                       panies to move medical testing in-
           TELECOMMUNICATIONS                                   (HH Silver Sponsor)       Medical & Radiation Physics, Inc.           “Maximize Your Profitability   formation from self-service kiosks
                                     Commercial & Medical Credit                          (HHH Gold Sponsor)                          Through Real Estate”
                                                                From alcohol pads and bandages                                                                  into the cloud.
                                     Services                                             Medical physics and radiation
                                                                to EKGs and ultrasounds, we are                                                                 Brad Bowen
                                     (HH Silver Sponsor)        the largest worldwide distributor   safety support covering all of    Foresite Real Estate, Inc.   President, CEO
                                     A bonded and fully insured San   of medical supplies, equipment,   South Texas for over 40 years. Di-  (HH Silver Sponsor)   210-434-2713
           Unite Private Networks    Antonio-based collection agency.   vaccines and pharmaceuticals   agnostic imaging, radiation ther-  Foresite is a full-service commer-
           (HHH Gold Sponsor)        Henry Miranda              serving office-based practitioners   apy, nuclear medicine and        cial real estate firm that assists   Katherine Biggs McDonald
           Unite Private Networks (UPN) has   210-340-9515      in 20 countries. Recognized as   shielding design. Licensed, Board    with site selection, acquisitions,   Brand Development Manager
           offered             one of the world’s most ethical   Certified, Experienced and          lease negotiations, landlord rep-  210-434-2713
           fiber optic networks since 1998.  Lit   companies by Ethisphere.   Friendly!                             resentation, and property man-  katherine@computerizedscreen-
           services or dark fiber – our expert-  “Make us the solution for your    Tom Rosol   Alicia Smith, Administrator            agement.        
           ise allows us to deliver customized   account receivables.”   210-413-8079     210-227-1460                                Bill Coats                Bobby Langenbahn
           solutions and a rewarding cus-                                     210-816-2734              National Sales Manager
           tomer experience.         MEDICAL PHYSICS         David Lloyd Goff, President           210-363-1513
           Clayton Brown -                                      “BCMS members receive GPO   210-227-1460                    
           Regional Sales Director                              discounts of 15 to 50 percent.”                  “Contact us today for a free eval-
           210-693-8025                                                                                      uation of your current lease”   Extend the Reach of Healthcare.
                            MOLECULAR DIAGNOSTICS     Keeping our clients safe and in-                                      Elevate the Level of Remote Care.
           David Bones – Account Director                       LABORATORY                formed since 1979.                          The Oaks Center           Enhance the Patient Experience.
           210 788-9515              Medical & Radiation Physics, Inc.                                                                (HH Silver Sponsor)
    (HHH Gold Sponsor)                                                                              Now available High visibility med-
           Jim Dorman – Account Director    Medical physics and radiation                 PROFESSIONAL                                ical office space ample free park-
           210 428-1206              safety support covering all of                       ORGANIZATIONS                               ing. BCMS physician 2 months

    South Texas for over 40 years. Di-  iGenomeDx        The Health Cell                             base rent-free corner of Freder-
    agnostic imaging, radiation ther-  ( Gold Sponsor)   (HH Silver Sponsor)                 icksburg Road and Wurzbach
           “UPN is very proud of our 98%   apy, nuclear medicine and   Most trusted molecular testing    “Our Focus is People” Our mis-  Road adjacent to the Medical
           customer retention rate”       shielding design. Licensed, Board   laboratory in San Antonio provid-  sion is to support the people who   Center.

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