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studies are currently in progress to determine the safety and efficacy of Medical universities now struggle with the problem of how to pres-
many integrative medicine practices. Obtaining adequate funding is in- ent integrative medicine in their curricula. Some practices have com-
variably difficult, with studies typically attached to a blockbuster drug. pelling evidence but aren’t science-based. A survey by the Association
Much misinformation exists, especially on the Internet, regarding of American Medical Colleges revealed that 126 of the 132 schools
integrative health approaches. There are many charlatans, and red flags that responded are now offering classes in these disciplines. Integrative
abound. For example, conventional medicine bashers should be medicine must be taught dispassionately on the basis of the existing
avoided, and preference is often given to integrative providers who co- evidence. This evidence is positive in a few cases, especially when diet,
ordinate care with conventional proponents. Providers whose promises behavioral therapy, meditation and breathing techniques are included,
are too good to be true should also be shunned. Some practitioners are but negative in the overwhelming majority of studies. It is problematic
product, test and technology happy and some who sell their own sup- that most medical schools delegate this task to enthusiasts of the re-
plements are less than trustworthy. Occasionally, the provider will de- spective therapies.
mand a monetary commitment for an extended period of time. Evidence-based medicine applies the scientific method to medical
Additionally, hazy credentials are often a sign of troublesome inten- practice, and it advocates the use of current best data. Advocates of in-
tions. The greatest danger of integrative medicine is that patients who tegrative medicine acknowledge the placebo effect may provide signifi-
see alternative practitioners will often discontinue receiving main- cant benefit, but that this fact does not diminish its validity. Many
stream care altogether. people obtain compelling improvement from alternative types of ther-
When false and unproven health schemes are promoted for profit, it apies and they should not be discouraged from pursuing nonmain-
INTEGRATIVE is called quackery. This term is most often used to denote the peddling stream modalities as an enhancement to their conventional medical
of “cure-alls,” as well as the merchandising of fraudulent or ignorant
treatment. There exists a reasonable argument that there is no integra-
MEDICINE medical practices. Integrative medicine often appropriates several sci- tive medicine, only scientifically proven, evidence-based medicine. Peo-
ence-based medical modalities, such as nutrition and lifestyle changes.
ple who choose integrative medicine think that they are utilizing a safe,
These accepted concepts are then described as complementary or ho- effective treatment, but they are often deceived. Integrative medicine
listic, rather than simply good medicine. Advocates of non-evidence- may be a strategy to make pseudoscience acceptable, but there are also
By Neal S. Mertiz, MD
based medicine are masters of marketing, with integrative medicine undeniable benefits for many.
Alternative medicine describes medical treatments and products that and flowers to heal the body. Although this is often the basis for tradi- being promoted as the best of both worlds, that is, science-based and
are utilized in place of traditional mainstream therapies. This is also tional medicine, there is limited evidence for the safety and efficacy of alternative. If alternative claims are fraudulent and promoted for finan- References
known as complementary medicine, and when used along with ac- most of these products, with dosage and purity standards that are cial profit, then a caring, holistic provider must avoid embracing them. 1. Philosophy of Integrative Medicine by David Rakel MD and Andrew
cepted Western medicine, it is now called integrative medicine. More poorly regulated. Magnetic field therapy uses magnets or electrical cur- Despite a mostly proven lack of effectiveness, several reasons for pa- Weil MD. 4th Edition Elsevier 4/2017
than half of adults in the United States use some form of alternative rents to treat certain musculoskeletal problems. Proponents of Reiki tient acceptance of integrative medicine have been suggested. Propo- 2. Modern Medicine vs. Alternative Medicine: Different Levels of Evi-
or integrative medicine. Patients report they are more readily able to believe the body’s natural energy can be utilized to speed healing. This nents take advantage of ignorance regarding conventional treatments. dence. By Thomas Sullivan Policy & Medicine 5/6/2018
cope with stress and feel better by concentrating on relaxation. Inte- is similar to Healing Touch in which a therapist employs an approach Substances and products known to have no pharmacologic effect on a 3. What Exactly is Alternative Medicine? By Melinda Ratini MD
grative therapies allow for a more active role in treatment and recovery which identifies and repairs imbalances in the patient’s energy field. disease can still affect perception, and this belief may often cause a ther- WebMD 3/20/2021
as well as a partnership with the health care provider. Many people like Chiropractic medicine focuses on spinal adjustments that create proper apeutic response, leading to improvement. This is known as the 4. Complementary and Alternative Health Care, Is It Evidence-Based?
the idea that these therapies seem natural and nontoxic. The search for alignment, thus easing pain, improving body function and aiding nat- “placebo effect” and is now recognized to have a proven neurological By Sved Amin Tabish Int J Health Sci 1/2008
a potentially elusive cure for symptoms and attempts to boost the im- ural healing. Integrative therapies also include behavioral care, nutri- basis. Many people have a strong distrust of conventional medicine, of 5. Medical Schools Embrace Alternative Medicine by Meryl Davids
mune system are also motivations, although less well-accepted. Patients tion recommendations, breathing and meditation regimens, and all are regulating organizations such as the FDA and of major drug corpora- Landau. US News and World Report 4/12/2021
may receive a great deal of comfort and satisfaction from the touch, well-regarded in most areas of medical practice. tions. Conspiracy theories are prevalent among many who are anti-sci- 6. Most Medical Schools Offer Courses in Alternative Medicine.
talk and time offered by an integrative medicine therapist. Integrative medicine involves the use of both conventional and alter- ence, with the established medical care system suspected of attempting Here’s How to Avoid Quackery By Julie Belluz Vox 7/8/2015
Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine technique that uti- native methods to facilitate the innate healing response of the body. It to preserve their power and increase their profits. Many people fear 7. 5 Red Flags Your Non-Conventional Medicine Provider is Doing
lizes needles to trigger specific body points, thus allowing for stimula- includes a consideration of all factors that influence health, such as side effects from conventional medications and treatments, or are con- Harm. By Anna Medaris Miller US News and World Report
tion of the natural healing processes of the body. Homeopathy involves mind, spirit and community. This philosophy neither rejects conven- cerned with cost. Desperation is often a strong motivation. Some prac- 5/1/2018
treating disease with minute amounts of natural substances, like plants tional medicine nor accepts alternative medicine absolutely. Integrative titioners, aware of the ineffectiveness of a product, still intentionally
and animals, with the belief that this will encourage healing. Herbal medicine is open to new concepts, though there is a preference for the produce fraudulent scientific studies and test results, thus further de- Neal S. Meritz, MD is a retired Family Practice physician
medicine employs the parts of the plant, such as its roots, leaves, berries use of natural, less invasive interventions whenever possible. Multiple ceiving potential consumers. and a member of the BCMS Publications Committee.
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