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          Resilience is our ability to overcome   ventures.  We need that time to replenish and   moral injury, the betrayal by the system that
        hardship.   As physicians, or a healthcare   refocus our energies as we return to our de-  is supposed to allow us to give our patient the
        provider such as a Nurse Practitioner or   manding profession. Without these outlets   best care we can.  The care that we have so dili-
        Physician Assistant, we have all spent long   we risk the development of burnout.  How-  gently trained for and so desperately want to
        hours to get our degrees.  Completing med-  ever, having these other activities is not   administer.
        ical school, internship, residency (and in   enough to avoid burnout.  There is number
        some cases fellowships) we have endured nu-  three of my analysis.         How did we get here?   One possible ex-
        merous hardships to get where we are today.                              planation is the increasing regulatory laws
        So, I would say that most of us have a healthy   Control of the workplace is a challenge   that are well meaning but short-sighted.  A
        dose of resilience and self-motivation that   and it starts on the day we see our first pa-  PubMed search for the number of healthcare
        empowers our ability to be the physicians and   tient.   For most of us, we spent almost a   laws created over the last few decades re-
        caretakers that we are.  However, over time   decade of training for this moment and our   vealed a steady increase in their number.  In
        some of us might incur an illness, physical or   training was all about developing a doctor-pa-  the decade of the 1970s, we have a total of
        mental, that could wear on our resilience.    tient relationship.  Then, on that first day of   seventy laws passed dealing with healthcare
        Chronic pain or depression can and does im-  seeing our patient, we are confronted with nu-  policy.  Thereafter, the number of healthcare
        pede our ability to continue treating patients   merous barriers between us and the patient.    policy laws increase steadily and exponen-
        successfully.  And of course, there is age to   One, insurance companies that restrict testing   tially.  In this last decade, from 2010 thru
        consider.  With aging comes slower response   have limited the resources for the patient in-  2019, there were 1,271 laws passed.  The
        rates and less energy.  Most of us who are   cluding a limited list of providers in their net-  curve for the number of healthcare policy
        older just cut down our hours in clinic or find   work and, if it’s an HMO, a delay in treatment   laws passed matches the curve of the number
        another job that is less demanding to avoid   on the day of the office visit.  Two, an EMR   of articles written about burnout.  The con-
        the frustration of not staying on time with   (electronic medical record) that will oblige   trol of our work place has been systemati-
        our clinical load.  For my younger readers, I   you to become more proficient with its use in   cally striped from our hands and passed into
        hope there are many, many years ahead of you   order to see the required number of patients   the hands of administrators, law makers, in-
        before you can possibly (and never do) relate   needed to pay for your overhead and your   surance companies and PBMs.  We, who
        to what I just wrote about aging.  If we lose   salary.  Three, regulatory demands for docu-  take care of our patients, have lost control
        our resilience, I believe burnout is imminent.    mentation in order to bill an acceptable level.    and therein lies the consequential burnout
        As an FYI, our medical society provides a free   The number of metrics and type of metric are   for some.
        personal consultation for members who wish   and continue to be a work in progress.  The   All three of these areas, resilience (self-mo-
        to discuss, in confidence, a personal matter   metrics are redundant in their need to be doc-  tivation), life balance, and control of the
        with a licensed medical psychologist by link-  umented at each office visit and all too often   workplace are equally important and, in my
        ing to LifeBridge on our website.    arbitrary and superfluous to the actual care   view, require examination if we recognize
                                             needed for that visit.  Four, the dreaded prior-  burnout in one of our colleagues.  Regaining
          Life balance speaks to our ability to find   authorization (PA) required by the pharmacy   control of our doctor-patient relationship is
        other outlets for our mental and physical   benefits managers (PBMs).  PBMs are the   a must and we should all feel obliged to de-
        well-being.  For some, it’s raising a family   “unchecked” entities that profit the most   velop a relationship with our policy makers.
        and enjoying the time going to soccer games,   from the kick-backs, termed as rebates, they   I hope this “thought analysis” of burnout in
        talent shows and other activities.  I’m always   get from the pharmaceutical companies.   our profession will lead to a broader conver-
        intrigued, but no longer surprised, to hear   Based on their rebates, they create a formulary   sation on this very important topic.
        about our talented physicians that enjoy   unique and profitable to them and restrictive
        painting, playing an instrument, composing   to our patients. PAs have been shown to delay   Rodolfo (Rudy) Molina MD
        music, writing, hiking, bicycling, traveling,   or deny treatment and increase the adminis-  MACR FACP is a Practicing
        etc.  The list of activities outside of medicine   trative time and cost to providers.  These four   Rheumatologist and 2021 Presi-
        that my colleagues enjoy is long and, for me,   intrusive barriers can be and are a frustration   dent-elect of the Bexar County Medical Society.
        gratifying to hear of their endeavors and ad-  we confront on a daily basis.  Herein lies the

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